BWCA Duncan / Clearwater first wk of June Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      Duncan / Clearwater first wk of June     
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distinguished member(937)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/22/2021 05:18PM  
I’m going to the stairwell portage the first week of June was wondering if it’s worth fishing lake trout for the day on Duncan.Was also thinking about a day on clearwater anybody have any thoughts on that. Mrs. Mycelia has never caught a lake trout thought this might be the time.
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distinguished member(1682)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/22/2021 07:04PM  
myceliaman: "I’m going to the stairwell portage the first week of June was wondering if it’s worth fishing lake trout for the day on Duncan.Was also thinking about a day on clearwater anybody have any thoughts on that. Mrs. Mycelia has never caught a lake trout thought this might be the time."

I’ve caught LT on Clearwater that time of year for sure. Could be anywhere from shallow to 40-50 feet down, just depends on water temps. Crocodile spoon was our most productive bait last June.
distinguished member (163)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/14/2022 10:21PM  
Clearwater is a super deep lake and warms up slow. Both times I was there on opener nothing was moving yet, not even trout. But by June, it might be perfect. Mountain just north of Clearwater is a great trout lake too, and I did well there on opener. By June they'll probably be off the shore and deeper on Mountain. Every year is different, so I hope you hit it right!
02/04/2022 03:14PM  
Just a reminder, stairwell portage will be reconstructed this summer. Stating as soon as ice goes out, and expected to be done some time in July.
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