BWCA Strips pulling away from forms Boundary Waters Group Forum: Boat Builders and Repair
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      Strips pulling away from forms     



distinguished member(2365)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/12/2022 09:31PM  

Ashes solo pack: The hull is complete. Staples have been pulled. Outside sanding near complete and I am getting close to glassing. I have something going on that I have not seen on my previous builds. The strips along the gunwales have pulled away from the forms in some cases up to 1/2". The pull away is not the same on all forms. I tried a bit of hot glue between the strip and the form, but it did not hold the strip in place.

This hull is asymmetric and has distinct tumblehome recurving a bit near the gunwales. The worst pull away is from the center form to the stern. I do not want to lose its pretty shape. I am seriously considering holding the wandering strips to the forms with a small washer head screw when I glass the hull........

Before glassing I would predrill the gunwale strips and wax the screws. When I finish the squeegee work, I would put the screws in and leave them in place while the epoxy sets. The holes will eventually be covered by the gunwales.

Is this a hairbrained scheme?
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distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/14/2022 09:59AM  
I have used staples on the shear line. and once hot melt glue on the keel to pull the hull tight to the forms.

Screws will be difficult to get loose, under glass. Staples will pull through.

I'd give hot melt another try. Hot melt can be tough to get to release also. a lot of patience and care are needed.

Good luck !

distinguished member(2365)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/14/2022 11:34AM  
Hi Jim
Thanks for your reply.......... I was expecting your response. I am glad that someone else has also "been there, done that"

One clarification on screws. If I end up using screws, the screws will be put in after the glass is wetted up (screws on top of glass). Awkward to do this, but I can see it working.

I like your staple idea. I have some SS staples and if push comes to shove, I could always snip them off at the forms and leave them buried under the glass and gunwales. In any event, it is reassuring that you have done such a thing also.

Today, I wet up the hull to raise the grain, let her dry, and then give a quick sanding with 120.

In the days ahead I will reinforce the bow and stern with some 4oz glass strips (cut on the bias). I am thinking of putting 2 layers of 4oz glass on the bottom. One will be a partial covering the mid-section (50" wide cloth) and the other will be the full sheet. Eventually I plan on using only one 4oz layer on the inside.
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/14/2022 06:41PM  
Screws will work fine in your application.
Yes, I clipped the staples after pulling the forms, They may still tear up the sand paper on your ROS, they did on mine.

I do what ever it takes ! Screws may even be safer than hot melt. I pulled a splinter off a strip, when using hotmelt, and was careless in removing.

Glad you are making progress !

distinguished member (144)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/15/2022 07:33AM  
I have used small blocks of wood with hot glue to hold the hull tight to the forms along the bottom. It works well. Put a little glue on 2 edges of the block and quickly push it all together. Jim is right that you need to be careful with removal. Mark
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/16/2022 08:08PM  
I would not hesitate to do whatever is necessary to keep the strips against the forms. Small screw with washers would certainly work. The staple idea sounds good too. There are no strict rules to getting the canoe finished properly.
distinguished member(2365)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/22/2022 08:41PM  

I will know what to use soon enough. I have screws with washers, staples, nails, small blocks of wood (coated with packing tape) with nails, and patience. I am waiting for a day when I have 2 extra hands. Thank you all for tips and suggestions. I will let you know how things turn out.
distinguished member(2365)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/31/2022 09:16PM  

For better or worse this was my solution to the wandering strips. I nailed the blocks to the gunwale strips after the epoxy was on the hull and well before it started to set. My hope is that the cured epoxy/fiberglass will keep the strips aligned to the forms when the nails are pulled.
distinguished member (197)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2022 08:01PM  
I’m really late to the party but been there too. My solution was to add small screws (#2) to any strip that tried to pull away from the form. I did this as I glued each strip. If the strip stayed tight I left it alone. Otherwise it got a screw. This was necessary for maybe the first 1/3 of the strips. After that they all laid flat. After the hull was complete I pulled the screws and and everything was solid.
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