BWCA Quetico Southern Entry Points Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Guest Paddler
01/17/2022 05:53AM  
Will the Quetico southern entry points like Cache Bay and French Lake be open in 2022? Previous posts before the first of the year indicate that RABC is dead, the southern entry points will remain closed and the northern entry points will be the only way to access Quetico. However, I can't find an official announcement so maybe something is going on.

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01/17/2022 09:04AM  
I can’t imagine Quetico would open the southern ranger stations if the RABC program does NOT open. Below is a link to the CBSA RABC site. This is likely where they will first post any updates on the status of the RABC program. There hasn’t been any news on opening the program since they suspended it in May 2020.

RABC info

All that said, it seems that at present one can reserve a permit all entry points on the online reservation website, link below. Maybe they are hedging their position in the event the RABC program opens up again this spring/summer. One can only hope.

Quetico backcountry reservations
01/17/2022 09:14AM  
I’ve talked to an American outfitter in Ely and they don’t hold out much hope from the sense I got. The Canadian outfitter I’m renting with and getting shuttles from also didn’t seem to think the Southern entries would open. Nothing is official though at this point.

I usually get RABC permits every year and fish the Canadian side of Lake of the woods. It’s definitely starting to feel like the. RABC’s will not be open again anytime soon.

As much as I’d like to come in from the South on the American side it didn’t make sense for me to bet my trip on it. Even going through in the North we’re going to have some hoops to jump through to get into Canada this summer

Wouldn’t hurt to call Quetico and see if they know anything. Overall though they probably don’t know much other than that they know the Canadian entry points will be open.

01/17/2022 09:31AM  
Gaidin53: "…I usually get RABC permits every year and fish the Canadian side of Lake of the woods. It’s definitely starting to feel like the. RABC’s will not be open again anytime soon… "

I’m sure you’re aware but if not read this article.

Fishing Canada water border lakes
01/17/2022 10:36AM  
The only option might be the LLC entry points clearing customs at Sand Point Lake and getting tow to Ranger Station on LLC.
01/17/2022 10:49AM  
Well that was the first time I’d seen that you can enter by boat and then touch land. I knew it was open to boating in and not touching land end of summer last year. Looks like you have the same hoops to jump through you can just do them remotely. You then have to use an app and upload your proof of vaccination and the specific covid tests they want within 72 hours of entry. My concern with that is usually when I’ve been trying to enter it’s hard to get a good signal on your phone for a call. Much less sending documents. Hopefully with that app you can upload the documents prior when you have a decent signal.

Still a ways out and I think things will possibly change by then. Hopefully though things open up and settle down after the Omicron wave this winter.

member (45)member
01/17/2022 11:31AM  
plander: "
Gaidin53: "…I usually get RABC permits every year and fish the Canadian side of Lake of the woods. It’s definitely starting to feel like the. RABC’s will not be open again anytime soon… "

I’m sure you’re aware but if not read this article.

Fishing Canada water border lakes "

Is it only that lake or is it all border lakes that you can fish the Canadian side, but just not touch land? If you can fish the Canadian side of the lakes, I'm assuming you need a Canadian fishing license? Forgive my ignorance, but this year will only be the second time going to the BWCA, but I've been to the quetico 6 times and was so deep in that we never worried about the rules with fishing border lakes.

01/17/2022 11:53AM  
mpswid0: "
Is it only that lake or is it all border lakes that you can fish the Canadian side, but just not touch land? If you can fish the Canadian side of the lakes, I'm assuming you need a Canadian fishing license? Forgive my ignorance, but this year will only be the second time going to the BWCA, but I've been to the quetico 6 times and was so deep in that we never worried about the rules with fishing border lakes.


It seems this is across Canada per the link below...

CA CBSA travelers reporting link

And there is this article from NY that reads similar to the previously posted article.

NY border lake fishing article

Based on the wording on the CBSA link above this would suggest that you can paddle (and fish) on the Canadian (CA) side of ALL border lakes, including those in the BWCA, without having to check into CA customs, so long as you don't touch CA land. I didn't think this was the case previously, so maybe this is a change or some clarifying language per CA border policy. Who knows? That all said, I assume that one still needs to have a Quetico day use permit to be in Quetico Park (on the CA side of the border lake) and a valid Ontario Fishing license to fish.

If you have a RABC permit, a Quetico day use permit, and an Ontario fishing license you can take a BWCA border route and day trip into Quetico to fish, explore, etc. That was always the case previously and it should be the case once they open the RABC program up again.

member (45)member
01/17/2022 04:01PM  
From my quick reading, it seems like you still need to be vaccinated or at least be able to show a positive test in the past 180 days.

So do you need to have a Day use permit and an Ontario fishing license if your just going to fish on the Canadian side of the lake, or just the fishing license?

01/17/2022 04:21PM  
mpswid0: "…So do you need to have a Day use permit and an Ontario fishing license if your just going to fish on the Canadian side of the lake, or just the fishing license?


My understanding is that you need both; a valid Ontario Fishing license (with the Outdoor card) to fish AND a vehicle day use permit to be in Quetico. If on a border lake not in an Ontario Park then no need for the day use permit, obviously. You can buy online an Ontario Park seasonal summer vehicle day use permit online ($75). They mail it to you and just have with you, one permit per boat. If you don’t do this you need to pick up the day use permit at a ranger station, not so convenient.
01/19/2022 08:39AM  
Agree with Plander, I’d call Quetico park to confirm. The other issue is that the Ranger stations may not be an option as they may not open. So the vehicle park pass may be the only option to fish the Canadian side (where it borders the Q).

This has been talked about for many years and on one level excites me for border fishing. On another level scares me if they abolish the RABC and don’t have an alternative.

member (45)member
01/24/2022 07:35PM  
I talked to our outfitter, Adam at Piragis, he has fielded this question many times. And had even called the Quetico office to discuss with them. Their stance is, if you enter the Canadian side of the lake you need an RABC, day use permit and a fishing license if fishing. I mentioned staying off the shore and not anchoring to any point, he asked this exact question. And the answer he got is that, if you are fishing and snag while on the Canadian side, then your technically anchored.

01/24/2022 08:56PM  
mpswid0: "I talked to our outfitter, Adam at Piragis, he has fielded this question many times. And had even called the Quetico office to discuss with them. Their stance is, if you enter the Canadian side of the lake you need an RABC, day use permit and a fishing license if fishing. I mentioned staying off the shore and not anchoring to any point, he asked this exact question. And the answer he got is that, if you are fishing and snag while on the Canadian side, then your technically anchored.


Do you know if this was a recent conversation? The change for fishing border waters was made last year I believe. An RABC isn’t even a option at this time. 2 years ago…I would agree with what Piragis said, but now the rules seem to have changed.

distinguished member (109)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/31/2022 10:52AM  
sedges: "The only option might be the LLC entry points clearing customs at Sand Point Lake and getting tow to Ranger Station on LLC."

Sorry, Sand point is also closed.
distinguished member (109)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/31/2022 10:54AM  
We, too, have been trying to find out when the RABC program will be active and no one seems to know for sure. But...reading through the information provided by the CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) regarding entering Quetico from the U.S. it sounds somewhat promising, does it not? Key excerpt below

Temporary suspension
As part of border measures intended to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Government of Canada temporarily suspended its Remote Area Border Crossing (RABC) program as of May 12, 2020. This temporary suspension remains in effect as long as COVID-19 border restrictions are in place. You may not use a RABC permit to enter Canada until current Canadian travel restrictions are lifted and the program is officially reinstated.

will not accept new applications
will not accept renewal applications for expiring permits
will not issue a refund for previously issued permits
will hold pending applications
will contact applicants once the program is reinstated
The CBSA will keep members up to date as this situation evolves.
01/31/2022 11:19AM  
BassmasterP: "We, too, have been trying to find out when the RABC program will be active and no one seems to know for sure. But...reading through the information provided by the CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) regarding entering Quetico from the U.S. it sounds somewhat promising, does it not? Key excerpt below

Temporary suspension
As part of border measures intended to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Government of Canada temporarily suspended its Remote Area Border Crossing (RABC) program as of May 12, 2020. This temporary suspension remains in effect as long as COVID-19 border restrictions are in place. You may not use a RABC permit to enter Canada until current Canadian travel restrictions are lifted and the program is officially reinstated.

will not accept new applications
will not accept renewal applications for expiring permits
will not issue a refund for previously issued permits
will hold pending applications
will contact applicants once the program is reinstated
The CBSA will keep members up to date as this situation evolves.

Yeah, thats been the message on the site for since May 2020. I sent the CBSA an email on Jan 15 asking about the status. Got a response Jan 28 that was identical to the text from the website.

I also sent a note to Ontario Parks Jan 17 with a somewhat related question. They responded more quickly and indicated they were hopeful that the RABC program would be reinstated but didn't provide anything more (as its a different agency, obviously). Below is a link to the thread on that discussion.

day use permit question
01/31/2022 11:34AM  
BassmasterP: "
sedges: "The only option might be the LLC entry points clearing customs at Sand Point Lake and getting tow to Ranger Station on LLC."

Sorry, Sand point is also closed."

It's definitely close now as its only open seasonally. Unclear about plans for the 2022 season (May 15-Oct 15).

CBSA Sand Point page
distinguished member (109)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/02/2022 10:38AM  
13 more days until the mystery is revealed...

I am assuming, of course, that Sand Point opens on May 15th as it has in the past or... we have to wait another 365 days to find out, again.

Sad that there is no ongoing communication or status provided, especially for all of the U.S. based outfitters that shovel $$ into Canadian pockets.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/02/2022 02:09PM  
I asked Mark Anderson at Crane Lake about the LLC entry points and he said this a couple days ago:
"Hello Gary, we were supposed to know something two days ago and still have not heard any news."
05/02/2022 04:19PM  
BassmasterP: "13 more days until the mystery is revealed...

I am assuming, of course, that Sand Point opens on May 15th as it has in the past or... we have to wait another 365 days to find out, again.

Sad that there is no ongoing communication or status provided, especially for all of the U.S. based outfitters that shovel $$ into Canadian pockets."

From my standpoint it is the other way around. It is Quetico, Covid 19 closure notwithstanding, that shovels $$ into the pockets of US based outfitters.
05/02/2022 07:41PM  
Argo: "
BassmasterP: "13 more days until the mystery is revealed...

I am assuming, of course, that Sand Point opens on May 15th as it has in the past or... we have to wait another 365 days to find out, again.

Sad that there is no ongoing communication or status provided, especially for all of the U.S. based outfitters that shovel $$ into Canadian pockets."

From my standpoint it is the other way around. It is Quetico, Covid 19 closure notwithstanding, that shovels $$ into the pockets of US based outfitters."

member (26)member
05/06/2022 09:52PM  
yes the outfitters make $. but more money flows into canada than the reverse.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/10/2022 10:42AM  
Iowa: "Will the Quetico southern entry points like Cache Bay and French Lake be open in 2022? Previous posts before the first of the year indicate that RABC is dead, the southern entry points will remain closed and the northern entry points will be the only way to access Quetico. However, I can't find an official announcement so maybe something is going on.

Just spoke to the Park and was told they're hoping to hear something soon. Keep your fingers crossed!
distinguished member (109)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/10/2022 05:40PM  
What I heard, early on in the pandemic, was that Sand Point was closed due to COVID caused staffing issues. Who pays for staffing on the South side? Answer - Americans. Not only that, but the Canadians have supreme pricing power. Up the cost to enter from the US side by 20% and everyone will gladly pay it, IMO.

Perhaps "gladly" was a reach, but you'll forget about the increased cost once you're catching trophies on Conmee.

All this is to say... it is still a mystery as to why the program is suspended so it's useless trying to speculate when it will not be.
05/10/2022 05:56PM  
BassmasterP: "What I heard, early on in the pandemic, was that Sand Point was closed due to COVID caused staffing issues. Who pays for staffing on the South side? Answer - Americans. Not only that, but the Canadians have supreme pricing power. Up the cost to enter from the US side by 20% and everyone will gladly pay it, IMO.

Perhaps "gladly" was a reach, but you'll forget about the increased cost once you're catching trophies on Conmee.

All this is to say... it is still a mystery as to why the program is suspended so it's useless trying to speculate when it will not be."

I know this whole thing has been frustrating. And the lack of definitive answers only makes is worse and leads to lots of meaningless speculation.

20% of 0 is 0. They can double the cost of entry… 0 times 100% is 0. Doesn’t matter. No cost to enter, as everyone knows. The US does not “pay” for that operation. Fact of the matter is that the CBSA is trying to hire people, I suspect lots of CSBA employees moved on when there jobs were no longer necessary over the last 2 years. So Sand Lake CSBA may be closed for lack of employees to staff it. But I suspect if it’s allowed to open, it will and they will have employees to work there. Sand point CSBA is a seasonal operation. Its been closed the last two years per Canada closing its border operations in general-not site specific. If it opens on May 15, it opens. If not, it doesn’t.
05/16/2022 06:46PM  
This was just posted to the Quetico PP Facebook page:

Park Southern Entry Station Closures:
Remote Area Border Crossing permits (RABC's) are temporarily suspended by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).
As a result, Quetico's Cache Bay and Prairie Portage entry stations will remain closed May 20- May 31, 2022.
Northern entry stations and entry points are open.
Please call the Quetico Park information line at 807-597-2735 for trip planning assistance.

senior member (93)senior membersenior member
05/16/2022 08:42PM  
I’m going to view this as good news. Announcing ten day extensions suggests to me an expectation that southern entry points will open at some point this summer.
distinguished member(5294)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/19/2022 06:46AM  
flaxman: "I’m going to view this as good news. Announcing ten day extensions suggests to me an expectation that southern entry points will open at some point this summer."

I asked them on Facebook if this meant they will open on June 1st, I haven't seen a reply. Hopefully soon!
05/24/2022 03:39PM

Update: Park Southern Entry Station Closures for June 2022
Remote Area Border Crossing permits (RABC's) are temporarily suspended by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).
As a result, Quetico's Cache Bay and Prairie Portage entry stations will remain closed May 20th to June 30th, 2022.
Northern entry stations and entry points are open.
Please call the Quetico Park information line at 807-597-2735 for trip planning assistance.

05/26/2022 12:59PM  
The CBSA is resuming services at most small marine vessel reporting sites, but the Sand Point Lake site remains closed due to flood-induced damage:
CBSA 5/19 news release
I'm still hoping that my 6/19 Argo Darky McAree Minn loop will happen.......
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