BWCA Lodging Atikokan Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Lodging Atikokan     



senior member (56)senior membersenior member
04/12/2022 03:40PM  
We have always stayed at the White Otter Inn but it appears to be closed. What other lodging options are available?
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distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/12/2022 04:22PM  
I assume you tried Google. No mention of the White Otter being closed. Did you call them?

It’s been years, but we have stayed at the Quetico Inn. Comparable to the White Otter from what I can remember.
senior member (56)senior membersenior member
04/12/2022 05:35PM  
There is a notice on their Facebook page, that they are closed. I did try to call no answer.
04/12/2022 05:46PM  
I made a booking for July in early March. No problem. Says they are "temporarily" closed.
distinguished member(505)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2022 09:18PM  
Doesn't sound temporary looking at the post.
04/12/2022 09:26PM  
campnfish: "Doesn't sound temporary looking at the post."

You're right. Very sad.
distinguished member (116)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2022 07:21AM  
- Close to Beaverhouse Indianota Resort

On Eva Lake-

- Camp Quetico

Pickerel Lake-the Dawson Trail Campground is very nice with hot showers.
Dawson Trail Campground
04/13/2022 09:40AM  
Not in Atikokan but I’m staying with Camp Quetico also known as Quetico Outfitters this summer. They are handling are shuttles as well.

I looked through the Indionta website. Seemed like more of a fishing camp where they do the week long rentals. I didn’t see any shuttle options either but probably not needed as much since you can park at the Beaverhouse entry point as an American.

04/13/2022 01:49PM  
Just re-booked with the Quetico Inn.
04/15/2022 08:04PM  
Gaidin53: "I looked through the Indionta website. Seemed like more of a fishing camp where they do the week long rentals. I didn’t see any shuttle options either but probably not needed as much since you can park at the Beaverhouse entry point as an American.


I contacted Indionta. They confirmed that they no longer offer the one-night stays that we canoeists would need. They only offer weekly stays.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/16/2022 09:39PM  
Obviously, Indiaonta knows their business far better than we do, but it sure seems like they're missing a business opportunity by not offering bunkhouses for Quetico paddlers. They're in the perfect location to do it.
senior member (54)senior membersenior member
04/19/2022 01:29PM  
Sure glad I saw this. I had a reservation at White Otter Inn for 6/10, and no one there had reached out to relay this information. I also was able to get in at Quetico Inn. Anyway, thanks for passing this along. Would have hated to find this out upon our arrival!
senior member (51)senior membersenior member
04/19/2022 07:21PM  
Posted 3/16 on their FB page. I have two rooms booked for July. Arrrggghhh...

“We are sad to announce that the Whiteotter Inn Restaurant and Motel will be closed until further notice. We would like to thank everyone that has supported us over the year of reopening.”
senior member (51)senior membersenior member
04/19/2022 08:12PM  
Called White Otter, no answer. I also went with Quetico Inn. Evidently WO Inn is closed for now and is for sale.
distinguished member(505)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/03/2022 01:07PM  
What time does the headquarters close in Atikokan, and do they sell fishing permits and outdoor card?
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/03/2022 02:58PM  
campnfish: "What time does the headquarters close in Atikokan, and do they sell fishing permits and outdoor card?"

The Quetico Ranger Station in Atikokan closes at 4:00pm (might be 4:15pm), but you should try to be there no later than 3:30, especially if you have a larger group.

If you arrive in Atikokan after the ranger station is closed, you can drive 30 minutes east down Hwy 11 to the Dawson Trail Ranger Station. They're open until 8:30pm every day.

As for fishing licenses, you are FAR better served buying them online prior to your trip at Buy both your Outdoors Card and your fishing license while you're still at home so you don't have to waste time at the ranger station.

With that said, if you absolutely must buy your fishing license in Atikokan, in the same building as the Quetico Ranger Station, there is a separate counter that is run by the Ministry of Natural Resources. You can buy them there. (Did I mention that it's way easier to buy them online?) :)
distinguished member(505)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/03/2022 04:24PM  
I do know i can buy fishing license online, one in our party is an older person and i'm not sure i can walk him through this over the phone, i don't live close to him.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/03/2022 06:50PM  
Atikokan is in the eastern time zone so allow for that.
05/04/2022 08:06AM  
tumblehome: "Atikokan is in the eastern time zone so allow for that.

Don't they do funky things like staying on Standard time, so they are effectively the same as Central Time in paddling season, while Thunder Bay is an hour ahead?
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/04/2022 02:09PM  
sns: "
tumblehome: "Atikokan is in the eastern time zone so allow for that.

Don't they do funky things like staying on Standard time, so they are effectively the same as Central Time in paddling season, while Thunder Bay is an hour ahead?"

Atikokan is in the EASTERN Time Zone. However, during the summer paddling season, because they don't recognize Daylight Savings Time, Atikokan is on the same time as the Central Time Zone in the US.

Clear as mud? :)
05/04/2022 02:24PM  
I’d already gone down this rabbit hole before realizing that in the summer months we are at the same time so no change needs to be accounted for.

05/04/2022 05:13PM  
Jackfish: "Clear as mud? :)"

Just so. I've been getting it wrong from time to time while planning...we have guys driving up the north shore from MN (CDT) to pick up guys flying into Thunder Bay (EDT), then drive west to Atikokan (EST, same as CDT).

Hi, I'm a pretzel.
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