BWCA Slippery yoke pads Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Slippery yoke pads     



04/22/2022 11:33AM  
After reading the yoke pad post I remembered that I was looking for a way to keep my yoke pads from sliding around while on my shoulders.
I always carry a pack on my back and a canoe on my shoulders. The straps on my pack tend to allow the yoke pads to move around quite a bit.

Anyone have any tips on resolving this?
I rent the canoe every year so altering the yoke pads is not an option. I thought about reverse wrapping some duct tape on my shoulder straps but I'm thinking this would just turn into a mess. Wet, sticky duct tape as well as it would collect anything it touches like dirt and pine needles and would eventually (probably quickly) be ineffective.
Maybe some leather sleeves?

It never seems like a big deal until you it that long portage and its hot outside.
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distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/22/2022 11:53AM  
I covered my homemade ones with boat cover canvas. Water resistant enough while paddling in the rain, yet breathable enough for comfort on your shoulders.
distinguished member(1492)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/22/2022 11:53AM  
I had some old slick nylon covered block pads that were bad about that. I wrapped some rubber bands around the pads to make them indented at the shoulders. It helped but was not a perfect fix.
04/22/2022 11:54AM  
MagicPaddler: "I had some old slick nylon covered block pads that were bad about that. I wrapped some rubber bands around the pads to make them indented at the shoulders. It helped but was not a perfect fix. "

That's not a bad idea at all! Padding isn't a big deal as I have the yoke pads plus the padding on my pack straps so indenting a little wouldn't hurt too much.
04/22/2022 12:54PM  
Maybe something like a nonslip rug pad would help. Just take a strip of the rug pad as wide as the yoke pad is long and cut it long enough to wrap around 3 sides of the yoke pad. Attach 2 elastic straps to hold onto the yoke pad while still being removeable and it's done. You could use rubber bands instead of an elastic strap if you want to make it easier, and I'd probably bring some anyway incase the rug pad tears.
distinguished member (178)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/22/2022 05:55PM  
Maybe some KT tape would work - either wrapped on the pads or maybe the pack straps....probably the pads. Try it out a home first.

distinguished member (279)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/22/2022 07:07PM  
I use Hidden river curved pads, they don't slip - it's a big improvement compared to block style pads, especially if one controls the boat with a rope instead of gunwale grip. I do single carry hands down, literally. Hidden River comes both in bolt-in and clamp-on modifications. Of course, the latter requires flat yoke. The only problem with HR pads is that the foam is not protected with cloth and could be ripped off in case of unfortunate accident, like falling. Some duct tape will mend the problem.
04/22/2022 07:45PM  
I have had success using urethane-based seam sealer - painting some strips onto the yoke pads - and got a lot more grip on pack shoulder straps.

I did get a negative consequence - some squeaking!
distinguished member(638)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/22/2022 09:23PM  
The rental pads are attached by one nut I doubt that there is an outfitter up there that would care if you swapped out your own for theirs. Pads are small and of little weight buy a pair and modify them however you want.
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