BWCA Hummingbirds have arrived Boundary Waters Group Forum: Bird Watchers
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   Group Forum: Bird Watchers
      Hummingbirds have arrived     



distinguished member (192)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/22/2022 07:28PM  
Sorry no pictures but they're here in KC early. The feeders are out.
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distinguished member(3443)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/22/2022 08:56PM  
I've had my feeder out for about a week now and haven't seen any yet here in NW Indiana.
distinguished member (192)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/23/2022 09:28PM  
You'll be entertained by them soon I'm sure. They get pretty aggressive with each other around the feeders all summer. It's fun watching them zipping around us.
So far we've got one male hanging around a bunch.
distinguished member(3443)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/30/2022 09:04AM  
Hummingbirds have arrived in my backyard this morning.
distinguished member (414)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/01/2022 08:48PM  
Man I cannot wait here in southern Minnesota. Definitely a seasonal milestone.

Nectar is out as of today.

Wait for it….

distinguished member (192)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/03/2022 09:12AM  
airmorse: "Hummingbirds have arrived in my backyard this morning. "

Rose Breasted Grosbeak's are moving through now. Some will stay around here.
Pretty bird too.
distinguished member (414)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/08/2022 07:25AM  
JWilder: "Man I cannot wait here in southern Minnesota. Definitely a seasonal milestone.

Nectar is out as of today.

Wait for it….


05/09/2022 04:30PM  
First one at my feeder this afternoon. Looked like a female (I think) ruby throated. I live in Crystal Lake, IL, which is a far NW suburb of Chicago, about 20 miles south of the cheddar curtain of Wisconsin. Love them. They stay all summer.

I should add that there have been a number of Orioles at the feeder for the last week. They never stay all summer though. Too bad. I put out some halves of oranges in the suet feeder for them, but they don't pay any attention to them.

distinguished member(3443)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/09/2022 04:49PM  
quark2222: "First one at my feeder this afternoon. Looked like a female (I think) ruby throated. I live in Crystal Lake, IL, which is a far NW suburb of Chicago, about 20 miles south of the cheddar curtain of Wisconsin. Love them. They stay all summer.

I should add that there have been a number of Orioles at the feeder for the last week. They never stay all summer though. Too bad. I put out some halves of oranges in the suet feeder for them, but they don't pay any attention to them.


Grape Jelly.
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