BWCA CCS Barrel Packs, Tarps, and Pack in Minneapolis Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      CCS Barrel Packs, Tarps, and Pack in Minneapolis     
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distinguished member (151)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/23/2022 10:57PM  
I wanted to share a deal for anyone looking for CCS gear in the Twin Cities area. The Repair Lair on East Lake Street has some new items for sale at reasonable discounts from retail. The items included two barrel packs, two tarps, a pack, and a Suzy Bug Net. Everything I saw appeared to be brand new and was marked below retail price.
I'm not looking to purchase any of those items right now, but thought I'd shade with the community. There were many other interesting items for sale, but I was most impressed with the large number of CCS items.
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