BWCA What is this stove? Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      What is this stove?     
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04/26/2022 07:02PM  
At least 30 years old. Last used 1990s. REI has no idea what it is and can't find me the correct fuel to fit it. Any ideas? Brand, how do I adapt to use?

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distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/26/2022 07:17PM  
Looks like a Coleman Xponent Xpert. Probably a mantel piece.
Here's a pic on Discontinued long ago, it also uses a fuel bottle that is discontinued. Mods have been made by folks on this site (usually on the 2-burner) to allow use of isobutane canisters, but they still aren't necessarily useful/reliable in the field.

I'll let butthead chime in...
04/26/2022 07:29PM  
It used Coleman fuel. Grey can with red lettering. Was a very good burner. Folks at REI fawned over it. Shoulda just given it to them. Coleman brand makes sense. Thanks
04/26/2022 07:41PM  

Two burner, single burner, 3 legs, 4 legs. Coleman made a bunch, all with the same potmetal frame. All kind of frail. Now easily surpassed by new canister stoves.
What looks like a fuel line loop over the burner for pre-heating is a simple solid piece of brass round stock operating as a conductive heat sink.

distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/26/2022 10:02PM  
butthead: "...Coleman made a bunch, all with the same potmetal frame..."

Xpert... Xtreme... Xpedition...
Coleman product naming team having a bit of fun.
Sort of fun to google them to see the subtle differences.
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