BWCA Keats Lake in a high water year Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Keats Lake in a high water year     
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distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/02/2022 08:34PM  
I plan to spend a few days on Keats Lake at the end of May. My understanding is that the water is quite high this year. I believe I’ve read somewhere that water moves through Keats pretty quickly, almost like a river, at high water levels and might even cover some campsites. Any tips for the area, portages around falls in this area, etc?
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05/02/2022 09:39PM  
05/02/2022 09:42PM  

Sorry I hit the wrong button. Here are a couple pictures of a campsite on the east side of Keats. I spent a wild night there two years ago. As you can see it is well above the water so you should be safe. It also offers protection from the elements.
05/02/2022 11:38PM  
I don’t know for a fact but I’m pretty sure the campsite pictured is the 4.5* site I have in the gps screenshot. I haven’t been in the area so I can’t really answer how higher water levels will affect things. Obviously water flow will be faster and more powerful.

Some of the fast water spots might be more challenging on the Maligne River section once you get past Shelley going to Kawnipi. Doesn’t sound like you’ll go that far.

McDougall looks like A gorgeous lake with an easy portage from Chatterton. The 4.5* site is gorgeous from all the video and pictures I’ve found. The beach umbrella symbol denotes where I believe a beach is located. Pictured in one of the calendars from last year.

Last years fire burned east end of Shelley and west end of Montgomery. I’m thinking I’ll stay in the campsite on Montgomery that is almost over the Pictographs.


05/03/2022 06:43AM  
Gaidin53: "I don’t know for a fact but I’m pretty sure the campsite pictured is the 4.5* site I have in the gps screenshot. I haven’t been in the area so I can’t really answer how higher water levels will affect things. Obviously water flow will be faster and more powerful.

Some of the fast water spots might be more challenging on the Maligne River section once you get past Shelley going to Kawnipi. Doesn’t sound like you’ll go that far.

McDougall looks like A gorgeous lake with an easy portage from Chatterton. The 4.5* site is gorgeous from all the video and pictures I’ve found. The beach umbrella symbol denotes where I believe a beach is located. Pictured in one of the calendars from last year.

Last years fire burned east end of Shelley and west end of Montgomery. I’m thinking I’ll stay in the campsite on Montgomery that is almost over the Pictographs.



That site on McDougall is gorgeous. Spacious, easy take-out. Great for tents, tarps and hammocks.
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/03/2022 07:47AM  
Gaidin53: "I don’t know for a fact but I’m pretty sure the campsite pictured is the 4.5* site I have in the gps screenshot. I haven’t been in the area so I can’t really answer how higher water levels will affect things. Obviously water flow will be faster and more powerful.

Some of the fast water spots might be more challenging on the Maligne River section once you get past Shelley going to Kawnipi. Doesn’t sound like you’ll go that far.

McDougall looks like A gorgeous lake with an easy portage from Chatterton. The 4.5* site is gorgeous from all the video and pictures I’ve found. The beach umbrella symbol denotes where I believe a beach is located. Pictured in one of the calendars from last year.

Last years fire burned east end of Shelley and west end of Montgomery. I’m thinking I’ll stay in the campsite on Montgomery that is almost over the Pictographs.



I downloaded your maps a couple days ago, thanks again! For some reason the color of the campsites didn’t transfer over though - they all showed up as blue. Any ideas on what I did wrong?
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/03/2022 07:48AM  
jdddl8: "

Sorry I hit the wrong button. Here are a couple pictures of a campsite on the east side of Keats. I spent a wild night there two years ago. As you can see it is well above the water so you should be safe. It also offers protection from the elements."

Great, thanks for the photos! Sounds like we’ll proceed as planned and see how it goes!
05/03/2022 09:05AM  
No idea. The coloring is kind of critical though. It would take a lot of time to go through and hand change each flag.

I’d say delete the entire grouping and then install them import it again. Make sure you read everything you are doing. Maybe do it on a computer. I’ve never imported I’ve only exported. I’ll send them again.

distinguished member (116)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/03/2022 07:21PM  
Here's the view from the island camp toward the double falls.

If you are portaging between Keats and Shelley use the northern most (Have a Smoke Portage). The more southern portage is little used and there is more water moving through those sections especially if the water is high. Also the portage is shown incorrectly on the above map. It is on the eastern side of Snake Falls as shown on the Christmar Map and the Keats side is a boulder scramble. It's beautiful but more challenging.

distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/03/2022 10:01PM  
The island camp on Keats below the double falls is one of the prettiest spots in Quetico. As a bonus, even watched the Northern Lights.
Also, I second your suggestion to use the northern Have a Smoke portage.
Coming downstream one year, we missed the side connection to the northern falls, and foolishly used an old map showing the double portages on the southwest sides. Big mistake. Basically a bushwhack, and finally came out and traversed the huge boulder field. Never made that mistake again.
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/04/2022 07:21PM  
Based on the pictures and information shared here, it looks like we’ll just push ahead and check out Keats Lake for camping anyways. Looks too good to not have a chance at camping on Keats! Thanks for all the info from everyone as always. And thanks Ryan for sending the links again!
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