BWCA Update from Jdddl8 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Quetico Forum
      Update from Jdddl8     



05/31/2022 02:21PM  
From a sat-phone conversation (the reception was spotty and it wasn't possible to chat for long without the call dropping):

John's on Trail Lake right now holding up for a day as the wind and waves are relentless. The wind ripped his tarp. He has not seen much sun in a week.

No problem getting into Quetico from Beaverhouse because there's an alternate entrance to the portage well before the river which is really flowing.

He has not caught a walleye nor a bass in a week. Only pike and LT.

He entered Your Lake via a route from Jean. He saw a group on Redpine but otherwise has not run into many folks in six days.

Snow and Little Pine were wiped out by last year's fires.
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distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/31/2022 10:32PM  
Thanks for sharing, Pat. John is on his annual multiweek solo in Q again... good for him. My buddy is leaving for nearly the same loop in a week.
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