BWCA Advice on Saganaga lake 2022 Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Advice on Saganaga lake 2022     
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member (8)member
06/02/2022 03:09PM  
I have a Overnight Motor Permit For Saganaga lake in three weeks. Been seeing a lot of high water up there.

It is my first time on that lake with my boat and was planning on bring my partner and a 4 year old.

Any incite on if I should cancel it because of the high water and flooding. Or is that more of a concern with canoeist.

Is there places you could call that would give you some info on the status?

any info is appreciated.
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distinguished member(2152)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/02/2022 05:25PM  
I can't imagine it is going to have a very big effect on your motoring about on Saganaga other than some campsite landings for the boat might be smaller than normal.
senior member (89)senior membersenior member
06/02/2022 05:34PM  
straighthairedcurly: "I can't imagine it is going to have a very big effect on your motoring about on Saganaga other than some campsite landings for the boat might be smaller than normal."

There's a couple of pinch points about a mile or two from the boat launch that might have some swift current, but I can't imagine it will get to the point where there's rapids or its too dangerous? I can't say for sure with the current high water levels? Hopefully someone chimes in soon with recent info.

Be careful running around out there. There are a few sunken islands and rocks that are not charted - not sure if that's still the case w/ the high water.

Sag can be an excellent walleye lake. Good luck if you get after them!
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/02/2022 08:07PM  
I entered and exited on Saganaga the week before Memorial Day, and got lost enough to paddle a good portion of the lake. At least two campsites with fire grates nearer to the water had flooded fire grates. Of course the landings to many sites were affected, but I doubt that will cause too much trouble for you.

Have a great trip!
06/02/2022 10:04PM  
Lots of rocks and reefs to bump into so take your time. Maybe bring a spare sheer pin or two.

Be aware of the Canadian border. Ontario MNRF has a presence on the lake. GPS is very useful to be certain of your location in relationship to the border.
member (8)member
06/03/2022 12:01AM  
Yea Definitely going to do some fishing
I think everyone's screwing with my head with this high water

but something to keep in mind

thanks for the response
member (8)member
06/03/2022 04:21AM  
I propose that you pay special attention to the wind prediction. When the wind reaches double digits, sag may be dangerous. Travel early in the morning if possible. Afternoons may be dangerous.
06/03/2022 04:39PM  
I’ve been on Gull Lake adjacent to Saganaga for a few weeks. The water dropped about 2 inches in that time so it will probably be somewhat high in a few weeks.
Lots of boats and canoes using the lake with no problems as far as high water.

I always watch where the Outfitter tow boats go and follow in their path. Otherwise I go really slow with polarized sunglasses and watch for rocks especially in high water.

Bring lots of gas. Have fun.
member (8)member
06/05/2022 03:52PM  
HoJaf: "I propose that you pay special attention to the wind prediction. When the wind reaches double digits, sag may be dangerous. Travel early in the morning if possible. Afternoons may be dangerous."

yeah probably will stay around the islands and bays
i'll have no see how strong the wind gets up there
i have a ZOLEO which helps
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/05/2022 07:59PM  
Seagull Lake dropped about a foot from the time we left Seagull Outfitters and returned a week later from Knife Lake on 6/4/2022. I'd expect that to continue. Saganaga may drop slower?
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