BWCA Verizon coverage on Pickerel lake? Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Verizon coverage on Pickerel lake?     



distinguished member (359)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/08/2022 06:33PM  
The Verizon cell phone coverage map shows that there might be some coverage on Pickerel Lake in northern Quetico. Any chance that is accurate? I'm sure it wouldn't be a great signal but maybe just the minimum which might be enough for text messages? I don't plan to use a cell phone in Quetico but it would be nice to use it to get the weather forecast.
EDIT: Sorry for the confusion I don't have any intention of sending or receiving text messages while I'm in the Q. Obviously that was a trigger for some and I understand that. I only mentioned the text messages in reference to the strength of the cellular service signal. Sometimes there is not enough signal strength for a phone call but a text message can get through. If there is enough signal for a text message then there is probably enough to get the weather forecast.
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06/08/2022 06:40PM  
Make sure your phone plan includes coverage for Canada. My Verizon did not until I asked, them they had some code to use
distinguished member (359)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/08/2022 06:47PM  
Mocha: "Make sure your phone plan includes coverage for Canada. My Verizon did not until I asked, them they had some code to use"

Thanks Mocha, I checked and I do have Canadian coverage. Did you take your phone to Quetico?
06/08/2022 08:43PM  
Yes but just because we drove up thru Thunder Bay and we gonna be out 10 days. Not on the trip, tho.
06/08/2022 10:21PM  
Reminds me I need to let my bank know as well. Had my visa locked out on a trip and couldn’t activate it until I went into a Wells Fargo back in the US. What a pain.

I was just testing my Garmin Inreach messaging tonight for my upcoming trip. I do pull weather on it frequently on trip. It’s not an inexpensive investment though!

distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/09/2022 06:25AM  
It's getting harder to get away...
06/09/2022 07:28AM  
A few years back I was on the Northern part of Pickerel using my Inreach with my iPhone to navigate and all of a sudden a few texts snuck in. I can’t tell ya if it was reliable or not as I try to avoid it myself.

distinguished member (359)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/09/2022 07:32AM  
Thanks timatkn, I think the Verizon coverage map might be accurate. The map shows coverage just barely extending into the northern edge of the park. One of the things I really like about going to the Q is not having cell service or internet. However, I do bring something to get the weather forecast. The only reason I would use the phone would be to check the forecast and if it works it will provide a good quality forecast.
06/09/2022 08:19AM  
Yes, in some places. As others mentioned, you need to set up your cell to roam (settings) and have Canada coverage in your plan.

We found that north-facing shoreline locations with a lot of water to the north had the best chance of grabbing a bar or two. Most spots close to the northern side of the lake that we checked did not have coverage...better luck in the middle or south with a long, open view to the north.
distinguished member (359)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/09/2022 08:52AM  
Thanks sns, that's very helpful.
06/09/2022 06:14PM  
bobbernumber3: "It's getting harder to get away..."

Agree. Questions like this sadden me.
distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/09/2022 06:17PM  
In over 30 Quetico trips we have never taken a cell phone and tell our teens to bring no electronic games or radios. These trips are to get away from such things,
I think one crew member brought a sat phone once on command of his wife, but he kept it buried in his pack and never confirmed its presence.

Only twice might have needed one (but didn't).
On the penninsula camp just below Canyon Falls 20 years ago after the fire, one of my crew came back from the woods with a hat full of small Morel mushrooms. Sure looked great, but I asked him if he was 100% sure, as we were 4 days out. He sadly poured out what were probably safe and delicious.

At 3 AM on Darky Lake, one crew guy woke us up saying he had a severe pain in his lower left back. 2 physicians in crew: passing a kidney stone. Loaded him with ibuprofen, went to Curtain Falls, then the border back and Wind Lake to Moose in 2 days. ER in Duluth confirmed: pain pills and "let it pass".

distinguished member(593)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/10/2022 12:52PM  
I bring my cell phone but it is always on airplane mode. I use it for gps, photos and notes (I'm a writer). Saying that, my son brought his one year and there was service at the Pines campsite on Pickerel.
distinguished member (359)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/11/2022 02:15PM  
Eyedocron: "In over 30 Quetico trips we have never taken a cell phone and tell our teens to bring no electronic games or radios. These trips are to get away from such things, I think one crew member brought a sat phone once"

In over 30 Quetico trips I also have never brought a cell phone or radio. I assume a fair number of Q trippers have a way of getting a weather forecast. If I am able to get the forecast I hope it won't interfere with getting away from civilization.
The link below is about sat phones which might be considered safety gear in a similar way that we wear personal floatation devices for safety even though most of us will never need them.
Why I bring a satellite phone.
distinguished member (359)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/11/2022 02:26PM  
Thanks, mapsguy1955 that's very helpful. I appreciate your advice. The cell phone will be kept powered off unless we feel the need to get a weather forecast and then it will be turned on just long enough to get the forecast and then powered off again. One of the reasons I go to the Q is to get away from email and phone calls and text messages, etc.
06/11/2022 04:47PM  
sns: "Yes, in some places. As others mentioned, you need to set up your cell to roam (settings) and have Canada coverage in your plan.

We found that north-facing shoreline locations with a lot of water to the north had the best chance of grabbing a bar or two. Most spots close to the northern side of the lake that we checked did not have coverage...better luck in the middle or south with a long, open view to the north. "

The Verizon network is likely using the network of its Canadian partner. As you describe the signal hitting the north-facing sites, there are no obstructions over the open water.

On trip several years back in the French River in central ON, we had no signal. A couple of friends flew in on a float plane. After our trip one remarked that they had a full signal the moment the plane was above the trees.

FWIW, Batchewaung has a strong signal.
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