BWCA In at Lake One, out at? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      In at Lake One, out at?     
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07/17/2022 06:19PM  
My daughter and I are doing a trip in September. I’ve just retired from teaching, and she is thrilled to go not in the buggy times. My husband will deliver us to Lake One, we have 8 days, and we want to exit on one of the 61 eps, or one of the gunflint eps, and my husband will fetch us.

We are currently thinking Lake one to Insula. Insula to Alice, and stay two nights because we love it so, or possibly continue on and have a rain day in our pocket. Alice to the Seal exhibit (we’ve done that before and were all set up and having lunch by 11.) Seal exhibit to Ogishkamunci (sp?) then to our favorite site in the world on Gabi. Gabi to Tuscarora, then out at Round.

What say you? Better ideas? We have made it from Gabimichigami to Polly, and a different trip Gabimichigami to Round. And we’ve done Polly to Alice, so we know we can do the miles.

Slight wrinkle, we’re going in the Thursday before Labor Day. But since we are single portaging, good at steering, early risers, we figure we can out run the competition.
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distinguished member(1472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2022 08:46PM  
Up for a different adventure?

Day 1 Lake one to Insula.
Day 2 Insula, Alice, Fishdance (Pictographs), River Lake, Malberg Lake.
Day 3 Malberg Lake, River Lake, Kivaniva Lake, Pan Lake, Makwa Lake, Elton Lake, Little Sag.
Day 4, Little Sag, Mora Lake, Tarry Lake, Crooked Lake, Owl Lake, Tuscarora Lake.
Day 5 Tuscarora Lake, Howl Lake, Hubbub Lake, Copper Lake, Snipe Lake, Cross Bay Lake, Rib Lake, Lower George Lake, Karl Lake, Long Island Lake
Day 6 - Long Island Lake, Muskeg Creek, Muskeg Lake, Kiskadinna Lake, Ogema Lake,
Day 7 Ogema Lake, Henson Lake, Gaskin Lake, Horseshoe Lake, Caribou Lake, Lizz Lake (entry 47), Poplar Lake (Public Landing)
Day 8 Add a layover where you need it for wind or weather, etc.

From Little Sag you can be out in two days by heading north to Ogishkemuncie through Gabimichigami. Then out through Kingfisher to Alpine and Sea Gull Lake.

Have a great trip.
distinguished member (433)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2022 07:07AM  
Sounds like a great plan! Nice to have a shuttle like that, and a group that can move so far in one day. I'm jealous!!!

What is the seal exhibit?

Gabi to Round sounds like a rough day, did you go via Tuscarora or Brant?

I'm biased because I've spent time on Thomas/Fraser/Kek/Ogish/Gillis before, so I would plan the trip with a more southern route to include the Louse River, Mug Lake falls and the Frost River. None of that would be ideal if water levels are low but I haven't been before and that's my main trip planning motivation. Boulder/Adams/Raven are also high on my list of lakes to visit but it sounds like you're set on the seal exhibit and Gabi.

I'm sure you'll have a great trip wherever you choose to go!

distinguished member (433)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2022 07:07AM  
Double post, please disregard
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2022 03:37PM  
Sounds like an epic adventure! Enjoy it all! I am also curious about the "seal exhibit"...what/where is it?

I'll put a plug in for going from Alice Lake up the river to Adams, then Boulder, and then Ledge, Vee, Fee Hoe. Some cool portages, lots of solitude, and beautiful lakes.
You will drop into Makwa to still see the cliffs if you'd like as well.

Have fun planning your route...truly impressive undertaking!
07/18/2022 10:28PM  
Michwall2: "Up for a different adventure?

Day 1 Lake one to Insula.
Day 2 Insula, Alice, Fishdance (Pictographs), River Lake, Malberg Lake.
Day 3 Malberg Lake, River Lake, Kivaniva Lake, Pan Lake, Makwa Lake, Elton Lake, Little Sag.
Day 4, Little Sag, Mora Lake, Tarry Lake, Crooked Lake, Owl Lake, Tuscarora Lake.
Day 5 Tuscarora Lake, Howl Lake, Hubbub Lake, Copper Lake, Snipe Lake, Cross Bay Lake, Rib Lake, Lower George Lake, Karl Lake, Long Island Lake
Day 6 - Long Island Lake, Muskeg Creek, Muskeg Lake, Kiskadinna Lake, Ogema Lake,
Day 7 Ogema Lake, Henson Lake, Gaskin Lake, Horseshoe Lake, Caribou Lake, Lizz Lake (entry 47), Poplar Lake (Public Landing)
Day 8 Add a layover where you need it for wind or weather, etc.

From Little Sag you can be out in two days by heading north to Ogishkemuncie through Gabimichigami. Then out through Kingfisher to Alpine and Sea Gull Lake.

Have a great trip."

I like it! There are a few portages in this route my daughter irrationally hates, but also several lakes we have never been to.

Do you have a site you like on Marburg? Several of our long days have happened because we couldn’t find a site we like on Malburg.
07/18/2022 10:34PM  
YetiJedi: "Sounds like an epic adventure! Enjoy it all! I am also curious about the "seal exhibit"...what/where is it?

I'll put a plug in for going from Alice Lake up the river to Adams, then Boulder, and then Ledge, Vee, Fee Hoe. Some cool portages, lots of solitude, and beautiful lakes.
You will drop into Makwa to still see the cliffs if you'd like as well.

Have fun planning your route...truly impressive undertaking!"

If you leave Alice through the skinny bit and go through Thomas a few lakes on there is a camp site with stepped cliffs, great for swimming and popular with scout groups. I forget the name of the lake, but it’s a fun camp site. I guess people think it looks like a seal exhibit from a zoo.
distinguished member(1472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/19/2022 10:40AM  
Michwall2: "Up for a different adventure?

Day 1 Lake one to Insula.
Day 2 Insula, Alice, Fishdance (Pictographs), River Lake, Malberg Lake.
Day 3 Malberg Lake, River Lake, Kivaniva Lake, Pan Lake, Makwa Lake, Elton Lake, Little Sag.
Day 4, Little Sag, Mora Lake, Tarry Lake, Crooked Lake, Owl Lake, Tuscarora Lake.
Day 5 Tuscarora Lake, Howl Lake, Hubbub Lake, Copper Lake, Snipe Lake, Cross Bay Lake, Rib Lake, Lower George Lake, Karl Lake, Long Island Lake
Day 6 - Long Island Lake, Muskeg Creek, Muskeg Lake, Kiskadinna Lake, Ogema Lake,
Day 7 Ogema Lake, Henson Lake, Gaskin Lake, Horseshoe Lake, Caribou Lake, Lizz Lake (entry 47), Poplar Lake (Public Landing)
Day 8 Add a layover where you need it for wind or weather, etc.

From Little Sag you can be out in two days by heading north to Ogishkemuncie through Gabimichigami. Then out through Kingfisher to Alpine and Sea Gull Lake.

Have a great trip."

I like it! There are a few portages in this route my daughter irrationally hates, but also several lakes we have never been to.

Do you have a site you like on Marburg? Several of our long days have happened because we couldn’t find a site we like on Malburg.

Yup. Been there, done that too. Malberg can make you do a lot of paddling to find a campsite.

If there are only 2 of you, the site on the west end of the narrows will work nicely. It is small but likeable. I think there is a popular site with a sand beach in the western bay of Malberg. The site next to where the Louse River enters is very nice. The site on the south shore across from where you enter the northeast bay of the lake is nice. The last one as you head to the northeast portage out of Malberg is NOT good.

You would not have to go onto Malberg at all. Paddle into Amber Lake to grab the site with a sand beach on the east end of Amber. You could simply follow River Lake (Kawishiwi River) around the north side of Malberg. The sites on the island to the west of Malberg are nice. Continue to the very eastern most site on River Lake (before you head to Kivaniva Lake). It is high above the river and I don't think it gets much use.

If you choose not to go to Malberg and stay on the River Lake/Kawishiwi River, check out the canyon formed by the stream leaving Malberg before you head north.

There are some variations you could do of this route. One mentioned above would be to go to Adams/Boulder and then across to Makwa. Others are:

1. Take the Louse River east out of Malberg through Frond/Boze Lakes to Trail Lake and then to Bug, Dent, and Mesaba Lakes. From there head north to Hub, Fente, Whippped and Mora. There are more route finding challenges going west to east on the Louse River I think, but people still do it. This may also take up your extra day.

2. If, as I suspect, your daughter doesn't like the portages on either side of Muskeg Lake, go northeast out of Long Island Lake to Cave, Ross, Sebeka, and Banadad Lakes. I am not sure she will like this route any better, but she will not have to carry packs up "The Wall". The western most site on Banadad is a great spot.

Hope this helps.
07/20/2022 08:50AM  
If you leave Alice through the skinny bit and go through Thomas a few lakes on there is a camp site with stepped cliffs, great for swimming and popular with scout groups. I forget the name of the lake, but it’s a fun camp site. I guess people think it looks like a seal exhibit from a zoo."

I remembered the name of the lake. It’s Wissini. The seal exhibit is right at the narrow point of the middle of the lake.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/20/2022 03:37PM  
If you leave Alice through the skinny bit and go through Thomas a few lakes on there is a camp site with stepped cliffs, great for swimming and popular with scout groups. I forget the name of the lake, but it’s a fun camp site. I guess people think it looks like a seal exhibit from a zoo."

I remembered the name of the lake. It’s Wissini. The seal exhibit is right at the narrow point of the middle of the lake.

Ah-ha! Wisini, yes. Pretty cliffs and very unique campsite.

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