BWCA Trip Report - Broken in the Wilderness Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Broken in the Wilderness     



07/28/2022 10:39PM  
New Trip Report posted by drmau1

Trip Name: Broken in the Wilderness.

Entry Point: 37

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distinguished member (170)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/29/2022 09:34AM  
Brilliant fix! That's another item to tuck away in my memory just in case it is needed someday. Glad your trip was salvaged.
07/29/2022 11:31AM  
Nice fix, proud father moment. A little bit of 100 mile a hour tape has saved the day for me a few times.
Enjoy your September run less bugs, fewer people (maybe).
07/29/2022 06:38PM  
Correct on both points, bugs and people. Will be our third September trip.
07/31/2022 10:44AM  
Very impressive. Just yesterday I was reorganizing all my gear (how did I get so much???) and there was my roll of duct tape. I put it in the "emergency" box. I also have a small roll of flex tape that I think I'll start taking as well.

Thanks for this report.
distinguished member (114)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/31/2022 02:37PM  
looking at the pics all i could think thats a small canoe. :)
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/31/2022 04:38PM  
Did same one trip, snapped a bending branches in half first day in and spliced it together with gorilla tape. Had a custom double bent shaft paddle the rest of the trip. Bought me a $17 super light aluminum shaft paddle as a replacement and would never go back to the over priced one again. Nicely played. Yeah, that’s a shorty canoe, did you break that in half too. Haha just kidding.

Cheers, scat
08/03/2022 02:38PM  
We roll it up on an old pencil to save space.
08/03/2022 02:38PM  
We roll it up on an old pencil to save space.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
08/05/2022 01:46PM  
Good job on that repair. MacGyver would be proud.
distinguished member (433)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/05/2022 02:19PM  
Good work on that repair! I broke a custom, triple-bend paddle on Malberg a couple years ago on a barely-submerged rock that I failed to see. After getting over my heart break (it was and still is my favorite paddle I've ever made) I casually reached forward, released the BDB from my two spare paddles and continued paddling with the bent one.

I've dropped/slipped/lost grip/bumped into the water while fighting a fish so many times while paddling solo I don't think I'll ever get in a solo boat with just one paddle, in fact I usually have 3 in a solo and always 3 in a tandem. How many people here paddle a solo canoe with only one paddle in the boat?
08/06/2022 12:02AM  
Good points... May go back to aluminum next trip.
08/06/2022 12:04AM  
As far his conoe goes he has mastered that little bugger.
08/17/2022 09:55PM  
That he has. He's been in some pretty rough waters with that little canoe and does well
08/17/2022 09:55PM  
That he has. He's been in some pretty rough waters with that little canoe and does well
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