BWCA Self permitting Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Self permitting     



distinguished member(505)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/10/2022 10:19AM  
Anyone happen to find the self permitting fees for Cache or PP for this year?
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08/10/2022 11:14AM  
Traditionally hasn’t it always been the same price as going in season? I believe it is $19/night per person. Although looking at the website I couldn’t tell if that was resident price or non-resident?

distinguished member(505)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/10/2022 11:22AM  
I thought it was a discounted price in the past. I can call and ask when I get time
08/10/2022 11:43AM  
Self-permit is same price as in season permit; $19.00CAD/night. It's been the same price as regular permit for as long as I can recall.
08/10/2022 11:48AM  
screenshot below...

distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/14/2022 07:58PM  
So maybe you can save me a call to the Parks office.
Those prices are in CDN dollars.

Do you guys do your own US to CDN conversion...and do you write a check, pay in a smaller amount of US Dollars, leave a credit card number, or what? It's been a long while since I self permitted...


08/14/2022 09:33PM  
The last time I did it I used a credit card to pay…they charged me the full amount…I didn’t complain or say a word…then a month later I got a refund on my card for the difference. I’ve only done it once.

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