BWCA Thoughts on Quetico permit availability in 2023 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Thoughts on Quetico permit availability in 2023     
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08/12/2022 02:59PM  
So pretty much anytime I want to pull a Quetico permit for this year one seems to be available for pretty much all entries it seems like. Which is awesome. I tend to plan ahead so I’ll be pulling Quetico permits at the earliest date that I can for planned trips next year.

Just wondering from people that have watched the Quetico permits before Covid what I should expect next year. Will it get competitive for Prairie Portage entries. I’m leaning towards an Agnes trip entering at PP on a Saturday. Obviously that will be more popular.

With how BWCA permits are now you pretty much have to book on the day it opens.

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distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/12/2022 04:01PM  
Educated guess from many years of paddling Q... don't worry too much about availability. You can make your reservation up to a maximum of FIVE MONTHS ahead of your entry date. There have been times when we didn't have solid plans in the middle of winter and we've made our reservation much closer to our date. We've never had a problem. In rare situations, we'd adjusted our date slightly.

Make your plans. You should be fine. And if you have a specific, very important entry date that you MUST have, be ready at the computer exactly five months from that date and get it done. I'm sure it will all work out.

Good luck.
08/13/2022 10:36AM  
I can remember when you had to start calling at exactly 6 am (when the reservation line started taking calls) exactly 5 months ahead of your entry date and you would often need take you second or third choice entry…crazy busy…I never once got the entry I was calling for. I had an outfitter call for me once and they couldn’t even get the entry I wanted :)

For about the last 20 years that has not been the case. Ontario Parks changed their refund/cancellation policy sometime in the late 90’s or early 2000’s (foggy memory :) ) and ever since then…it’s pretty easy to get a permit. I mean if you wait for the last second you may need to be adaptable on the date or entry, but I have never had a problem getting permit since the change. I usually get a permit for August in April or May. I’ve done it as late as July (not recommended)

If you are 100% locked in then just get your permit 5 months in advance. I expect it to be busier than maybe 2019…but busy is relative. With the vaccine requirement in effect that may limit some paddlers as well so it still may be lighter than the past?

08/13/2022 10:51AM  
Gaidin53: "

With how BWCA permits are now you pretty much have to book on the day it opens.


There is a huge long thread on the BWCAW and permits. Here’s the secret…Because many people think that the permits will dry up they over book and cancel later. You can almost always get a BWCAW permit by waiting until May or so when people start cancelling like crazy. It’s sort of like TP in the early days of the pandemic :) I better get some because it’s all going away. Quetico doesn’t have that issue. They made their cancellation costs more painful and you can’t book more than 5 months in advance. They used to have the same issue as the BWCAW when I first started going.

08/13/2022 09:15PM  
I echo what the others have stated; no worries.
distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/07/2022 08:34AM  
All this is GREAT to hear, though my schedule is always flexible...being retired...and driving to Ely rather than flying.

After 13 BWCA trips, we are itching to do the Quetico in 2023. Now that the vaccine requirement has been dropped, I can go.

We have to bone up on the differences in paddling the Quetico vs. BWCA, but it will be fun studying and learning.
10/07/2022 08:45AM  
timatkn It’s sort of like TP in the early days of the pandemic :) I better get some because it’s all going away.

Those were desperate times and difficult decisions had to be made.

10/07/2022 11:58PM  
Hard choices!

Bummer is it looks like I’m only going to get to do a 14 day Wabakimi canoe trip next year with my son. Plan is to do Whitewater and flat water so should be fun! Wanted to do a family trip into Agnes lake in Quetico next year but just can’t make the dates work. Wife wants a family trip to Yellowstone so we’re making that the other priority. I’ll pick up a Family Quetico trip the following year but I’m bummed out about it. Maybe slip a quick fall Quetico canoe trip in next year.

10/08/2022 08:45AM  
AmarilloJim: "
timatkn It’s sort of like TP in the early days of the pandemic :) I better get some because it’s all going away.

Those were desperate times and difficult decisions had to be made.


Nothing difficult about that choice :)
distinguished member(505)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/17/2022 10:23AM  
Looks like maximum nights are changing for Quetico to 14 nights if im reading this correctly. Between July and Labor day.
10/17/2022 11:09AM  
campnfish: "Looks like maximum nights are changing for Quetico to 14 nights if im reading this correctly. Between July and Labor day. "

Changes described in the link only apply to park campgrounds, not backcountry/paddling reservations.

10/17/2022 12:52PM  
From the article:

“At select parks, we’ll be reducing the maximum length of stay from 23 nights to seven or 14 nights for campground sites during our busiest camping season, starting in 2023.

The reduced maximum length of stay applies to trips between July 1 and the Saturday of the Labour Day long weekend. Outside of these dates, the maximum stay will be 23 nights.

Booking five months in advance? Don’t worry. When you’re reserving your July stay in February, this change will be in effect.

Note: This change will not impact backcountry camping or roofed accommodations.”

distinguished member(505)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/17/2022 01:51PM  
Didn't see that note, good catch.
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