BWCA Looking for burn info: McIntyre/Sarah Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Quetico Forum
      Looking for burn info: McIntyre/Sarah     



senior member (62)senior membersenior member
08/18/2022 07:22AM  
Tripped into White Otter/Turtle River this year, but planning a return to Quetico for next. Has anyone been through these areas? Looked over the burn map and it doesn't appear to be too bad. Looking specifically at the island campsite on the north end of McIntyre if I have a large group go next year. All info appreciated.
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08/21/2022 07:38PM  
According to the burn map that was posted it looks like the island wasn’t touched. I’ve stayed at that big site in 1988, 2001, and 2016.
08/22/2022 08:10AM  
And in looking at recent sentinel-hub satellite images, all the islands on McIntyre appear to be least the canopies.
08/24/2022 04:57PM  
Just came through the entire length of Sarah. The north end is scorched pretty good in places- the camp on the far northern island looks a bit sketchy until some of the standing dead fall. Western point of narrows is burned completely as are the adjacent cliffs. Did not make it into McIntyre.
senior member (62)senior membersenior member
08/24/2022 05:22PM  
South end of Sarah all fine? Did it burn the camp on the east side of the narrows?
08/24/2022 05:25PM  
Looked like it was still possible to camp on the west side of the narrows. Maybe not on a windy day/night.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/26/2022 02:40PM  
According to the Park Facebook page today:
Memory Lane, Death March, and the seven portages from Brent to McIntyre L. should be avoided due to the 2021 forest fires.
distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/26/2022 07:19PM  
Wow,,,,I have camped there a couple of times. Didn't look like this then, but it will recover.
distinguished member(2368)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/27/2022 09:46PM  
OldGreyGoose: "According to the Park Facebook page today:
Memory Lane, Death March, and the seven portages from Brent to McIntyre L. should be avoided due to the 2021 forest fires.

That's some good info. Thanks much for sharing.

Last time I was on the Memory Lane Portages, it was pretty bad to begin with. Can't imagine what it is like now.
member (18)member
09/08/2022 08:22PM  
Sarah Narrows campsite from the opposite side

North end of Sarah
distinguished member(1982)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/11/2022 11:08AM  
Good Pictures!
member (18)member
09/20/2022 04:58PM  
I came from Tuck and paddled to the north end of Sarah. The south end of Sarah is not affected by the burn. The majority of fire damage is in the area of the narrows and the northern part of Sarah beyond the narrows.

While serious, it did not compare to the complete burnt-to-the-rock look of the area around the exit of Kawnipi into Kahshahpiwi Creek.

It’s actually quite fascinating to look and speculate how the fire moved and jumped.
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