BWCA Trip Report - Turning 40 in the Boundary Waters Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Turning 40 in the Boundary Waters     



member (11)member
08/24/2022 09:24AM  
New Trip Report posted by jwise82

Trip Name: Turning 40 in the Boundary Waters.

Entry Point: 23

Click Here to View Trip Report
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distinguished member(2066)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/24/2022 10:58AM  
Nice. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you caught more fish in 5 days than I have in the past 40 years in the BWCA.
member (32)member
08/24/2022 04:45PM  
Sounds like a great way to turn 40. Glad you had a good trip.
09/24/2022 06:32PM  
Beautiful area to celebrate the start of your 41st trip around the sun! Was in this area 15 years with may daughter, and we are heading back in a couple weeks. Thanks for the report, and happy birthday!
09/27/2022 11:55AM  
Now that's a way to spend a birthday! Happy belated Birthday!
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