Boundary Waters Quetico Forum Quetico Forum Latest Q portage work and other info... |
08/26/2022 02:42PM
Bonhomme and Sauvage Portages are open and navigable.
Nym > Batch > Maria > Jesse > Walter > Lonely has been redone.
The Yeh Portages, including the burnt area, has been cleared, but remains difficult to navigate.
Memory Lane, Death March, and the seven portages from Brent to McIntyre L. should be avoided due to the 2021 forest fires.
Falls Chain water levels are much lower than in the spring. The portage should be used from Sidney to Wet L.
There is a lot of current around Snake Falls making portage landings difficult.
If travelling the north end of Agnes L., the Murdoch L. route is recommended due to high water levels on the Agnes River west channel.
Nym > Batch > Maria > Jesse > Walter > Lonely has been redone.
The Yeh Portages, including the burnt area, has been cleared, but remains difficult to navigate.
Memory Lane, Death March, and the seven portages from Brent to McIntyre L. should be avoided due to the 2021 forest fires.
Falls Chain water levels are much lower than in the spring. The portage should be used from Sidney to Wet L.
There is a lot of current around Snake Falls making portage landings difficult.
If travelling the north end of Agnes L., the Murdoch L. route is recommended due to high water levels on the Agnes River west channel.
Soloing is sweet, but a good partner is "priceless."
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08/27/2022 03:24PM
HighnDry: "Would you have a link by any chance or was this a conversation with an outfitter?"
I copied the text straight from Quetico PP Facebook page post. There was a link to the latest portage work map but no link for the text info.
Soloing is sweet, but a good partner is "priceless."
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