BWCA Critters in Quetico Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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09/12/2022 05:16PM  
I did a trip a couple of weeks ago. I spent some time fishing but also spent a lot of taking photos. There was a fair amount of camp time and there were shallow bays I could walk to looking for critters to photograph. I also got some good shots while we were paddling. I took a DSLR with a 24-70 lens and a 70-300 lens and a waterproof Olympus compact camera with a wide angle lens. It enjoy taking them. Hopefully you will see something you like.

I should also say it has been three years since I was in Quetico. It was good to be back and to find I am not to old to get around in there.

Gray tree frog (baby)
Green frog
Bull frog
Bull frog macro
Blue damselfly
Meadowhawk dragonfly
Canada geese
Least chipmunk
Painted turtle
Gray grasshopper
Northern pike
Eastern red squirrel
Smallmouth bass
Snapping turtle underwater
Trumpeter swan
Yellow grasshopper
Solo paddler

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distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2022 09:30PM  
Wow John,

It’s really hard to pick a best one. There are some real gems in there. If I had to pick, I like the chippy standing up with a profile and I like the geese. The heads in the reeds makes it a great shot. Good stuff!
09/13/2022 10:53AM  
Very nice; thanks for sharing!
09/13/2022 05:22PM  
I have not been doing wildlife photos long but I have found one of the most interesting parts is observing the behavior. The chipmunk was feeding on flower buds and pulling the stem down so he could reach them. When he had it pulled down he stood on it and munched a few then went under a bush and took a break. Those geese froze just the way you see them as soon as they saw me. There were about 10 and they were all looking at the one on the left who was looking at them. It seemed like the one on the left was the adult or the sentry and telling them to sit tight until she said it was okay to move. As soon as I left they went back to grazing.
09/13/2022 06:56PM  
Nice shots, thanks!
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/13/2022 09:34PM  

I have observed crows knock down grassy stocks with their feet to get to the seeds on top. Interesting that Chippy does that too. Smart critters.

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