BWCA Canada to drop vax requirement, make ArriveCan optional Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Canada to drop vax requirement, make ArriveCan optional     



member (18)member
09/20/2022 04:40PM  
From today’s Globe & Mail newspaper…by Eric Atkins and Robert Fife

Thought this might be of interest to some canoeists here. It’s probably behind a paywall for most folks, so I copied it here:

Canada to make ArriveCan optional, drop COVID-19 vaccine requirement at the border by Sept. 30: sources

The federal government plans to drop the COVID-19 vaccine requirement for people who enter Canada by the end of September, the same day it ends random testing of arrivals and makes optional the ArriveCan app, The Globe and Mail has learned.

The changes, for arrivals at land, air and sea ports of entry, are planned for Sept. 30, but have yet to be finalized by cabinet, according to four sources The Globe is not naming because they are not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

The mask requirement for people on trains and planes will remain in place, at the direction of Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos, according to two of the sources.

The aviation and travel industries have been pushing the government to relax the rules that cover international travel, saying they discourage visitors and are out of step with many other countries as the pandemic eases.

The United States requires all entrants to be vaccinated, and it is not known if the requirement will be lifted at the same time as Canada’s.

The ArriveCan app is used for arriving passengers to submit their customs declarations, vaccine status, and travel plans. It has been criticized as cumbersome, and a contributor to the lineups and logjams that have been a feature of many Canadian airports over the past summer.

Nadine Ramadan, a manager in Transport Minister Omar Alghabra’s office, declined to comment and referred questions to Marco Mendicino, Minister of Public Safety. His office did not immediately respond to an e-mail.

John Gradek, a former Air Canada executive who teaches aviation leadership at McGill University, said he has heard from discussions with industry members who have told him passengers will still have the option of submitting their travel plans, customs declarations and their information using the app, or stand in a line to do so.

On June 20, the government suspended vaccine requirements for domestic and outbound travelers, federal government employees and federally regulated industry workers. The government cited declining COVID-19 cases and the fact that 32 million people, or 90 per cent of eligible Canadians, had been inoculated.

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distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/20/2022 06:53PM  
Thanks for posting this!
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/20/2022 10:56PM  
Yessir, thanks for posting that. Great news for those who couldn’t go to Q (and Canada in general), but weren’t allowed.
distinguished member (198)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/21/2022 05:13AM  
If this happens, will they remove the vaccine card requirement for an RABC?
09/21/2022 09:49AM  
moosedoggie: "If this happens, will they remove the vaccine card requirement for an RABC?"

Contact them and ask.
09/21/2022 10:29AM  
This is good news. I struggled to get the online version of ArriveCan to work. I was told to use the smart phone version which was easy to complete. When we crossed the border at Pigeon River 1-1/2 weeks ago, the border agent told us they may be dropping use ArriveCan. Surprised to hear it is happening so soon.
member (18)member
09/25/2022 07:46AM  
It’s a case of a requirement that naturally expires on Sept 30th. To renew it would require justifying it all over again, which is a great expenditure of political capital for very little health protection at this point, when 83 % of Canadians have been doubly vaccinated (and many more single-vaxxed), and with the new bi-valent shots available as of last week or this week in most provinces.

Most people here n Toronto have had 3 shots, and most people I know over 50 have had their fourth.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/26/2022 04:36PM  
Here is more info about Canada ending the vax requirement on October 1st.
distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/26/2022 07:42PM  
Hoping they remove the vaccine requirement...Quetico is on my bucket list. Two trips to BWCAW this year and ready to head North next year!!!
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/26/2022 07:47PM  
TechnoScout: "Hoping they remove the vaccine requirement..."

Techno... did you read the link above? They are... effective October 1st.
member (18)member
09/28/2022 08:11PM  
Official govt webpage link Govt webpage link
distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/07/2022 08:11AM  
Jackfish: "
TechnoScout: "Hoping they remove the vaccine requirement..."

Techno... did you read the link above? They are... effective October 1st."

Yup, I checked the RABC website this morning just to be sure...Quetico 2023!!
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