BWCA Stuart River conditions Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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09/27/2022 01:23PM  
Anybody head in through the Stuart river recently? Planning a trip to Iron on October 6th and just want to make sure we aren't looking at a way longer than normal trip. Feels like it's been a pretty wet fall, but would love some first hand knowledge.
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distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/27/2022 03:51PM  
No issues whatsoever on the river last week.
09/27/2022 04:23PM  
Lawnchair107: "No issues whatsoever on the river last week."

You head through Iron? Busy at all? No idea what to expect in that area this time of year. Only ever been in June and it was real busy.
distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/27/2022 07:25PM  
No, basecamped on Stuart for 3 days. Saw 1 canoe the entire time passing thru.
member (16)member
09/29/2022 10:30PM  
We were there 2 weeks ago, river was good, not much different than June. There is a new bever damn right before the portage out of the river into Stuart Lake (maybe 100 yds), which made it a bit shallow in that short stretch. We had to walk the canoes maybe 25 yds because there were a lot of shallow rocks. Rained quite a bit through the week and it came up enough we paddled right over them on the way out. Iron lake was good, not busy at all, didn't see anyone until Saturday (went in Tuesday) , a couple groups took the tow in that weekend I think. Enjoy!
09/30/2022 07:45AM  
Thanks much folks!
10/01/2022 11:07PM  
Lawnchair107: "No, basecamped on Stuart for 3 days. Saw 1 canoe the entire time passing thru."

Any chance it was a red Mad River?

We were up the Stuart River on 9/18 right after all the rain fell. No issues whatsoever, but coming out EP16 the river is shallow in places as you get closer to the exit.
distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/04/2022 05:40PM  
Yeah I believe so! Did you push on to Iron?
10/17/2022 12:03PM  
We ended up occupying the NE site just under the portage for 2 nights then moved on to Iron for two nights of winds direct in our face at camp on Three Island. CCS Tundra Tarp / Wind wall for the win!
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