BWCA Trip Report - BSA Troop 409 Granite River 2022 Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - BSA Troop 409 Granite River 2022     



10/09/2022 09:21PM  
New Trip Report posted by Cricket67

Trip Name: BSA Troop 409 Granite River 2022.

Entry Point: 57

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distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
10/09/2022 09:44PM  
You covered a nice variety of areas in this trip. Kind of a bummer about all the people at the falls but, that happens from time to time - kudos for not letting it spoil your trip. All the mentions of blueberries really got my radar up as they are such a special treat when one can find them - especially on a trip to canoe country.

Wish I could have spoken to you a bit more/longer at the wingnight. Did you do the solo to Cummings you were thinking about?

Thanks for taking the time to share your story and photos. Much appreciated.
10/10/2022 08:31AM  
It was a bit of a shock to see so many people after seeing only a few groups on the Granite River. Did take us out of the moment for awhile. We did get to say hi to the same gal from Voyageurs that drove us to our starting point as she was picking up a couple that where visiting the falls on a day trip.

I would have liked to visit more with everyone...I know I have so much yet to learn and would love to share experiences.

My solo trip has been postponed to next spring. I had a few things come up that would have cut into the time I had for a trip and I didn't want to drive up just to spend one night. I am tentatively planning May 26-30.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/11/2022 06:45PM  
Sounds like a great trip. Your idea of having a map for everyone is great. That is what we do on our family trips and my son is now an amazing navigator. Those Granite River portages are definitely a challenge. Glad it went well for you all.
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