BWCA McEwen Lake Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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10/13/2022 10:14PM  
Researching for first Quetico trip and was curious if anyone had recent experience on and around McEwen Lake. From search of site read several reports/experiences, but most recent one I could find was 2018. Would like to say thank you to Cowdoc who not only shared information, but provided video clips from his travels in this area.

Our main objective is fishing, but due to my son’s sports schedule early to mid July will be our only opportunity for the trip. Understood that time of year is not as good as others for fishing success, but we will take what we can get.

Looking to enter through Cache Bay (73) and camp somewhere in between Dead Mans Portage and Four Falls for Day 1. Any site recommendations, areas to focus fishing efforts?

Day 2 will be traveling to McEwen via Sig and Wet Lakes. They say there is a Hilton on McEwen. Days 3 and 4 will remain on McEwen with day trips elsewhere and this is where most of the questions arise. Would assume the fishing in Kenny Lake and below Kennebas Falls would be worth the 1270M portage? Worth more paddle time into Kawnipi/Atkins Bay for fishing?

Another day trip south through McEwen Creek to Glacier/Turn/Edge/Rod? Any recent fishing experience on these lakes? Realistically how far could we venture on a day trip via McEwen Creek? Any lakes along that route particularly good for fishing? This area looks great from the videos mentioned above!

Day 5 would be return to Saganagons with an exit on Day 6.

Still learning to fish this area of the country, but we do troll while paddling where we can. Understand the different fishing regulations: barbless hooks, no live bait etc…. Of course we are looking for that grand slam of fishing, but also understand that time of year does not afford the best opportunity for success. Primary goal is to get us on some active fishing regardless of species to keep the 14 year old entertained!! Any information, advice, suggestions for this particular area would be appreciated. Thanks!
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10/14/2022 06:16AM  
My last McEwen trip was August 2003 and we stayed at the Hilton... two dads and two sons about 14 years old. We did well on lake trout south of the campsite in 47 feet of water. We dropped our trolling rigs to the bottom and started paddling. After 10 strokes as the bait came up, we'd have a strike. The site was nice, but over-used. Maybe some less use recently has helped the site.

Fishing below each of the falls on the Falls Chain was good for walleyes on every trip I've been through there. I wouldn't make a special trip to other falls for fishing but spend more time on the Falls Chain. Unless you want more scenery.

Any lakes along that route particularly good for fishing? Hahaha... You could spend 25 years on Saganagons and never get tried... next May will be year 26 for our group. 
10/14/2022 05:17PM  
Thank you for the feedback and tip on finding Lake Trout - have to believe that will be the harder of 4 to catch that time of year, so appreciate the advice!

25 years - I am jealous!! We have been traveling to the Minneapolis area via Oklahoma at least once a year for the last 20 years visiting our college friends and only recently found BWCA. Boy do I wish my MN friend was more of an outdoorsman and could have turned me on to this area many moons ago!!

Understand what you mean about over-used site as we had similar experience on the Mondale site (Gaskin Lake). Very, very nice, but enjoyed by a lot of folks. Interesting thing is that one of the best sites, in our opinion, we stayed at was a 2-3 star. It is usually just my son and I and frankly I have come to prefer those smaller sites. To each his own!

Did you travel south on McEwen Creek during your stay? That area looks worthy of a day trip from the few videos we have found.

Some of the previous reviews we found of campsites in that area are identified 1T8, 1T9, 1TK, etc…. We have the Chrismar and Fisher map for the area, but the campsites are not identified on Chrismar and by red dots on Fisher. Nothing about 1T8. Do you happen to know what map, if any, contains those numbers?

Thanks again for the help and good luck in year 26!!
10/15/2022 08:45AM  
Being a cold-water fish, lake trout can be easy to find in the summer. Look for deep water and structure and you'll find lakers.
Primitive man
Guest Paddler
10/15/2022 02:17PM  
I did a trip August 15-25 last summer through the falls chain to macKensie bay down Agnes to Louisa back through Glacier to McEwen and out again through Saganagons. Stayed in McEwen on the farthest South Island and it’s a great site. Lots of smallmouth action but no walleyes. I have caught walleyes in McEwen earlier in the year on other trips. We also had amazing smallmouth action in Fauquier lake but that’s a long day trip. All those lakes between McEwen and Louisa are very lightly traveled. For walleye go to Kawnipi it is the best walleye factory in Q. That long portage to Kenny gets very little use I would guess but Kawnipi is going to be worth it. We also had good fishing at Bald Rock falls and there is a very nice campsite there.
10/15/2022 09:21PM  
I went through Louisa to McEwen in 2013. I stayed at the Hilton site and Laid over to fish the next day. I trolled up a 40 inch northern south of the island. Caught a handful of mid size smallmouth around the island.

McEwen creek is a beautiful paddle. I would day trip through there as it has a very wild feel to it. I camped at Bald Rock Falls. That was cool because the site sits next to the falls with a couple nice trails and “bald rocks” to view the falls from. Your son will love this area. I just took my dog and it was one of my better solo trips. I wrote up a report with pics if interested.
distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/15/2022 11:43PM  
I'm not very familiar with McEwen, but fishing in early July is really not bad at all. The fish are a bit deeper, a bit more concentrated on structure, and are on more of a morning and evening bite, but are very actively feeding that time of year. I love the consistency of fishing in July (mostly early July), and do well on all species.
10/16/2022 04:31PM  
Thank you all for the information and advice. TomT - nice report and videos! We did find information on the campsite IDs with the 1T8, etc…. We looked at Ontario Fish online for lake information as well. Does anyone know if they have topo information for those lakes - we were unable to locate that information on the site?

Thanks again for the help!
10/27/2022 10:12AM  
Slideshow trip report, 2003.


10/27/2022 09:30PM  
Nice slideshow and loved your music selection!! Thank you!

Where is the Nifty Kitchen site?
distinguished member(2368)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/28/2022 07:19AM  

Hello Fishman53,
I saw your comment on Bobbernumber's trip report and then saw your inquiry here.

To answer your question, you might say I took the long way around to McEwen. I got a tow up to Prairie Portage and had a permit to enter Quetico at Carp Lake, 62. From there I took the Man-Chain up to Saganagon's Lake, where I entered the Falls Chain. There are a series of islands that kinda point in the direction of the chain right there on Saganagons. When I paddled by them in September all the campsites on them looked spacious and easy to get to, at least from the water.

When you get your permit from the ranger at Cache, and you mention your route up the Falls Chain, they will give you a map that is a zoom in of the Falls Chain specifically and go over how to approach and where the portages are. As long as you follow that guidance, the portages are a piece of cake.

After the second falls portage, the 16 rod one, plan on spending some time in that area a bit, before you do the Bald Rock portage. That area, pool, lake, has plenty of area for fishing opportunities.

After the Falls, I headed down through Wet to McEwen. And honestly, that whole section blended together. Nothing really stood out to me. Maybe I was getting fatigued, but crossing Wet felt like it took forever, probably because I could see the far shore where the portage to McEwen was as soon as I launched into Wet.

McEwen is one of those quintessential Quetico lakes, expansive, islands, wild feeling. You'll have a great time spending some days there. Right after you launch into McEwen from Wet, there is a narrows you have to go through to get to the main part; I really liked that tiny creek section.

I did stay on the Hilton site, located on that island. But honestly, I would not have classified this as a Hilton. To me, there is an ease of living that happens when you stay at a Hilton site, and this one, while pretty, easy landing, and great view, was just a bit more climbing around and tent pads that weren't amazing. I say still check it out and stay there if you choose, but maybe move to another site on the lake just for a different perspective.

As far as day trips from McKwen, make sure you plan on going down to Glacier and spending the day fishing there. First, the creek to Glacier is prime moose habitat. I saw a big bull moose right were it bends to the west. Leave early in the morning, within an hour of sunrise, and go slow and silent, almost like you are stalking a deer, and keep your eyes peeled. Chances are good for a moose sighting. And I should mention, on Sag, right as it narrows to go up the chain, I had two wolves pop out on shore and check me out. So, keep your eyes out for wolves.

When I was on Glacier, there was a group of fishermen that had spent all week there and were loving it. They had holed up at the site about half way down. Apparently the fishing is great there, though I can't attest to that as I was just passing through. Wish I had stayed there though, probably the most picturesque lake on my loop.

Another good day trip is up to Kawnipi, especially if you are targeting walleyes. Plenty of spots there, and a pictograph site though I wasn't able to locate it when I went through there about five years ago.

Bring big ol' silver spoons for the lake trout, toss them out, let them sink for about 10 seconds, and slowly reel in. If you get the spoon deep enough, you'll find the lake trout even in July.

Have a good trip!
10/28/2022 07:31AM  
Fishman53: "Where is the Nifty Kitchen site?"

Many years ago (20+) we stayed at this site. It has a huge built-up fire pit built on flat bedrock. I did all the cooking and the fire pit had plenty of counter space and areas to store your pots and pans, mix your cocktails, and serve meals. I said, "this is really a nifty kitchen".

The LNT'ers disassembled the rocks the following year, but the name stuck.

10/28/2022 10:05PM  
Great information and advice - thank you Minnesotian!! A day trip through McEwen Creek to Glacier will now be a priority.

Bobber - thanks for that story and map location.

Really appreciate you guys sharing your experiences.

10/29/2022 03:08PM  
Minnesotian: "...When you get your permit from the ranger at Cache, and you mention your route up the Falls Chain, they will give you a map that is a zoom in of the Falls Chain specifically and go over how to approach and where the portages are. As long as you follow that guidance, the portages are a piece of cake. "

10/29/2022 03:19PM  
I'm just considering your first post again and thinking. A 6-day trip with a 14-year-old focused on fishing. Sounds like a lot of travel time and portaging. And maybe not enough time for camping, fishing, and relaxing. You know your experience and your son's ability. Be sure to factor in a rain delay and windy conditions.

When we went in 2003, it was two dads and two 14-year-olds. When we arrived at camp on McEwen, one of them said "I'm never coming here again." And he was the fishing nut. We had a good time but ranged no further that trip.

I agree with Minnesotian regarding Wet Lake. Seemed non-fishy and blah.
10/29/2022 08:58PM  
bobbernumber3: "I'm just considering your first post again and thinking. A 6-day trip with a 14-year-old focused on fishing. Sounds like a lot of travel time and portaging. And maybe not enough time for camping, fishing, and relaxing. You know your experience and your son's ability. Be sure to factor in a rain delay and windy conditions.

I agree. I would do everything you can to stretch this to 8 nights. In 1992 I took my 16 year old brother who loves to fish but he was wore out with the aggressive trip to Kawnipi. It looks easy on the map but doing it is another story. I have never done a trip less than 7 nights and my usual is 10 now.

You surely won't regret adding a few nights. It will give you the freedom to explore more.
10/31/2022 08:39PM  
Very valid points. Unfortunately time/travel constraints will prevent anything longer than 6, maybe 7 days. The weather would be biggest obstacle, especially on that paddle to and from Ranger Station - some big water!

With cooperating weather we are looking at Day 1 travel of 10 miles paddling and 2 portages totaling 205 rods to get us past Dead Man’s Portage. Day 2, assuming we camp somewhere beyond Dead Man’s portage, would be a little over 6 miles paddling and 5 portages totaling 102 rods to get us to McEwen. He has done well with our travel. Reached upper limit of that tolerance this past May when on Day 1 of our travel we put in 12 miles of paddling and 450+ rods of portaging to reach our destination lake. Fortunately we were rewarded for our efforts thereafter with a nice feast of Lake Trout!!
11/01/2022 05:45AM  
TomT: "I would do everything you can to stretch this to 8 nights...."

I would cut the distance and shorten the number of travel days from 4 to 2. More fishing and camp time. Better fishing and more opportunities on Saganagons by far.

But... every man's trip and goals are different. McEwen is a good destination in Q.

You'll love Quetico!
11/04/2022 08:14AM  
Cleaning out old pictures... here is a comparison I made in 2011.

11/05/2022 10:38AM  
Nice! Same lure?

Definitely would like to see and test fishing through at least part of Falls Chain. Would also like to experience that paddle and scenery through McEwen Creek especially with reports of good fishing on Glacier. Saganagons base camp is certainly on list in the event weather intervenes or if we decide on the fly to alter initial plans!! Not expecting you to identify your fishing holes on Saganagons, but generally what areas of the lake have you found to be more productive?

11/05/2022 12:01PM  
Fishman53: "Nice! Same lure?

Definitely would like to see and test fishing through at least part of Falls Chain. Would also like to experience that paddle and scenery through McEwen Creek especially with reports of good fishing on Glacier. Saganagons base camp is certainly on list in the event weather intervenes or if we decide on the fly to alter initial plans!! Not expecting you to identify your fishing holes on Saganagons, but generally what areas of the lake have you found to be more productive?


I'll work on a map that reveals everything I know. Are you getting a tow boat drop off and/or pickup?
11/07/2022 04:23PM  
bobbernumber3: "
Fishman53: "Where is the Nifty Kitchen site?"

Many years ago (20+) we stayed at this site. It has a huge built-up fire pit built on flat bedrock. I did all the cooking and the fire pit had plenty of counter space and areas to store your pots and pans, mix your cocktails, and serve meals. I said, "this is really a nifty kitchen".

The LNT'ers disassembled the rocks the following year, but the name stuck.


The nifty kitchen site is actually on the island SE of the point with the arrow on it. On the west side of the island looking south. I've stayed there several times. The flat rocks are still there and last time the tables were reassembled.
11/08/2022 09:06PM  
McEwen Hilton,
Saganagons nifty kitchen,
Site below Bald Rock Falls
11/08/2022 09:21PM  
distinguished member (124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/22/2022 03:03PM  
Debbie and I ended up in McEwen lake in July 2021 on our 45-day trip kind of accidentally.

We were slaughtering the lake trout in Agnes Lake - sometimes six fish per hour! - when a float plane circled overhead and plopped down nearby. We headed to the campsite but they kind of cut us off. I suggested we perhaps not get too close to plane, but Debbie pulled us right up to the pontoon to say hi. I was concerned about the barbs on our hooks that we had accidentally forgotten to pinch down, but the rangers didn't mention it.

They told us that there were nasty forest fires to the west of us and that this part of the park was now closed. Since we had just come from Kawnipi to the north-east, and westward was closed, we were pretty much obligated to head south. Quetico Mike had told us what a swell fishery North Bay of Basswood Lake had been for him, but in Canadian parlance, Debbie and I found the fishing there to be no hell.

We headed east back to Agnes Lake, and hung out at Louisa Falls for a couple days, which unfortunately were kind of cool. With the forest fires and covid combined, we didn't see anyone else there. In fact, we later learned that the floatplane rangers had only found a half dozen parties in the flyover of the entire SW portion of the park! In Agnes, Debbie managed to catch a Quetico Grand Slam - a pike, smallmouth, laker and walleye in a single day, though the latter required about a four-mile paddle up to the narrows and back.

We hadn't planned to go to McEwen, so we raised our friend Mike Borger of Canada Fishing Guide via Garmin InReach, and he checked out the Padd1e P1anner website to give us campsite locations.

We spent a lovely next two days paddling over to McEwen, stopping at Dumas Lake midway, or as we now think of it, "Dumb-ass Lake" because only a dumbass would choose to travel this way! But we had already been all through Agnes Lake, and didn't want to retrace our steps. So imagine the Sexy Sexagenarians making eight triple-carry portages from Dumas into McEwen, reaching the above-so-called Hilton campsite about 8pm.

It ain't no Hilton. It barely gets a three-star rating. There is a good landing and swimming area, and I guess the kitchen is ok, but it's on a hillside, and despite its large open space, there is not one single good place to pitch even a small tent.

As for the fishing ... well, we know how to fish. And patterns that worked well in other lakes really didn't work well in McEwen. I did manage to jig up a few lakers and walleye fishing from shore, the obvious place you'd stand on a rock in the SE corner of the campsite, but overall the fishing was poor for us. We spent three nights in the non-Hilton, and spent two full days fishing the lake, and the fishing was poor.

I would not recommend McEwen Lake for fishing, but if you want a remote experience, you'll find it here.

We didn't take time to fish any of the small lakes en route to McEwen from Agnes, as the portages are tough, especially doing 5 trips across each. Kawnipi on the other hand, was outstanding.

Debbie and I made Quetico trips of 23, 45 and 36 days in each of 2020, 2021 and 2022 and spent as much time as possible fishing. The park was pretty much deserted the entire time, and the fishing was excellent with little pressure.

If you're looking for information, send me a message.

Cheers and Merry Christmas, eh?
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