BWCA CCS- XL Food Pack???? Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      CCS- XL Food Pack????     
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distinguished member (409)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/28/2022 12:50PM  
I see a sale for a regular one, and the seller stating they are buying the XL and I saw it in the bundle sale by Dan... but nothing on the website to show this new (?) item? Anyone have the low down? Dan if you see this, can you send some specs? I'm in the process of making an order and don't want to miss out if this is an item I NEED!

I find out deluxe food pack works well for checked baggage on both airlines and amtrak. Though the yellow pioneer pack looks like it got caught in a conveyor belt.. maybe I should say yellow and black now.

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distinguished member(515)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/28/2022 01:07PM  
Dan sells a Solo and Deluxe version, the Deluxe being larger.

23 x 18 x 12 4968
23 x 18 x 8 3312

distinguished member (409)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/28/2022 01:12PM  
Was going to copy and paste from his bundle sale and sure enough I can now see the fine print.

XL Deluxe Food Pack is 2” taller and 1 ½” greater in body perimeter (Olive only).

Looks like there are now 3 options.
distinguished member(515)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/28/2022 01:16PM  
I see that now as well, did not know he had the third size.
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