BWCA Side trip - Kawnipi to Agnes Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Side trip - Kawnipi to Agnes     
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member (45)member
12/17/2022 09:35PM  
If you all don’t mind a question or two: I’ve been considering a day trip to the Agnes pictographs from a base camp on Kawnipi. I found two possible routes - one at fifteen miles and one at sixteen miles. Both look to have four portages with either 221 or 258 rods.

We’re already going to be doing a lot of traveling so I don’t want to break camp and do an overnighter, but I also question whether this is doable for a couple of old guys getting a little long in the tooth.

What are your thoughts? Has anyone done this and what should I expect? Thank you!! I should say that we’ll be coming and leaving from Kawnipi via the Falls Chain, conditions permitting.
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12/18/2022 11:10AM  
Don’t want to dampen your excitement but I think that’s a tall order and a potentially brutal day.
12/18/2022 12:48PM  
Going to Agnes wouldn’t be a day trip! It is definitely worth camping on Agnes Lake though. The petroglyphs on Agnes are rare in the north so definitely worth seeing.

12/18/2022 02:26PM  
Keewatin is a gorgeous lake with good pictographs (and fishing). Not much in the way of campsites though. I boosted the contrast and saturation so the pictographs stand out.

12/19/2022 07:21AM  
We've been through Agnes a couple dozen times--beautiful lake, but almost always windy. The only exception to this I remember was during the August 21, 2017 partial solar eclipse, which we were observing from a spot near the Louisa Falls portages. As the sun dimmed, the lake turned to glass. We decided we'd never again have an opportunity to paddle a calm Agnes, so headed for the Meadows portage. For wind reasons alone, I wouldn't consider a day-trip to Agnes from Kawnipi.

distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/19/2022 08:09AM  
If you've already seen pictographs up north, I wouldn't go that far out of my way for the pictos on Agnes. The only ones I've seen on Agnes personally were near the portage to Silence, and they were moderately faded from what I remember. So unless you've never seen pictos up there or are just super intrigued by pictos, I wouldn't put in that big of a day for the Agnes pictos personally.

Regarding route, the west channel going through Murdoch is generally accepted as the easiest route. The portages are pretty flat, and are easier than the Quetico average as long as they've been cleared.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/19/2022 06:38PM  
Just an aside, consider coming down Agnes and heading to Mann Chain instead of going back up Falls Chain.
12/20/2022 04:20AM  
I have done the Agnes to Kawnipi as a day trip with some fishing thrown in as well.
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