BWCA Beaverhouse Lake fishing Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Beaverhouse Lake fishing     
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member (45)member
12/29/2022 12:54PM  
Has anyone actually spent some time fishing on Beaverhouse Lake or does everyone just cross over it and head for Cirrus and Quetico?

I vaguely remember a couple of fishing trips to Beaverhouse with my father and uncles, but that was a long time ago. We portaged in Grumman Sport boats and motors, so that tells you just how long it has been.

We are planning a trip through Cirrus and back out Quetico Lake, but I've been wondering if a few days fishing Beaverhouse would be worthwhile.
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12/29/2022 03:37PM  
Last summer, first two weeks of July, my solo partner and I spent our last day prior to heading home fishing Beaverhouse and were rewarded with pike, walleye and smallmouth bass. Mike fished the south shore and I went north and east from the flowage out of Quetico Lake. We discussed at dinner how great the potential could be on Beaverhouse and plan to spend a bit of time there next summer the day before we head home.
distinguished member (243)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/29/2022 04:43PM  
We've never spent a ton of time on Beaverhouse, but we've caught all four species there, and some nice sized fish of each species.
member (45)member
12/30/2022 09:03AM  
Thanks for the replies. I'll have to give the walleye fishing a try. When we fished it in the 70s, we mostly caught northerns and trout but that was probably due to our fishing methods.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/01/2023 06:17AM  
I’ve fished Bearverhouse a couple of times. What a beautiful lake. We once went west to Wosely creek and spent our first night on Beaverhouse. I remember catching plenty of lakers. It’s a definitely a Lake trout lake. I can’t remember if we caught any walleye.

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