BWCA Hog Creek to Kawishiwi Lake via Bald Eagle and Lake One Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Hog Creek to Kawishiwi Lake via Bald Eagle and Lake One     
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distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/09/2023 05:42PM  
Planning a return to BWCA from pre pandemic with a September trip with son. I calculate 70+miles of paddling and 7 or so of portages. 10-12 days. My son will double while I single most portages.

I'm asking about the portages and route in general with a banged up left knee. Badly torn miniscule, debridement surgery, still painful, walk with a limp. (This crowd would appreciate a Chester from Gunsmoke like limp.) I thought these were mostly shorter portages and no real killers. Certainly the case from Quadaga to Fish dance with exception of Hudson-Insula and Alice-Fishdance iirc.


I'd really like to start from west but bushwhack from Kawishiei to Perent seems likely beyond my current capabilities.

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distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/09/2023 06:50PM  
Off the top of my head....

I agree, cant think of any really brutal portages along that route. The last portage along the Isabella River just before Bald Eagle Lake sticks out to me but, the last time I did it was at the end of a long day and the campsite just prior was occupied so we were forced to press on. So, bad memories there but, under less stressful circumstances I don't think it's anything crazy.

The portages you already mentioned are the ones that stick out to me as well. Barring a blow down or something of that nature, I don't think there would be any extraordinary challenges portage wise.

Photo is of 106 rod Isabella River portage just east of Rice Lake last spring.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/22/2023 04:13PM  
Not my trip report, but useful info:
Hog Creek to Kawishiwi Lake
01/22/2023 04:42PM  
I did this trip about 30 years ago. Made it a loop starting at Lake One and hitching a ride from Kawishiwi to Hog Creek then back to Lake One. I don't recall any monster portages just a lot of them. Over 50 as I recall.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/22/2023 06:06PM  
Thank you straight haired curly!

Blatz - then or now wouldn't that be a permit issue - leaving the wilderness? I thought we'd unload at Hog Creek, leave car at Kawushiwi, and hike back to Hog Creek. Would rather start more to west and thought about bushwhacking abandoned portage Kawishiwi to Perent. Thank you!
01/23/2023 06:46AM  
billconner: "Thank you straight haired curly!

Blatz - then or now wouldn't that be a permit issue - leaving the wilderness? I thought we'd unload at Hog Creek, leave car at Kawushiwi, and hike back to Hog Creek. Would rather start more to west and thought about bushwhacking abandoned portage Kawishiwi to Perent. Thank you!"
Probably was even back then. I was just following a route that I read about in The Boundary Waters Journal. Starting at Hog Creek is a much better way. Maybe consider stashing a cheap bicycle in the woods to ride back to your car.
member (35)member
01/23/2023 10:05AM  
We made the Arthur Carhart 1921 Replica Trip three times: 2020-2021-2022 starting and ending at Farm Lake. Highly recommend doing the trip in early spring to take advantage of high water in the Perent River.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/23/2023 06:28PM  
tmccann: "We made the Arthur Carhart 1921 Replica Trip three times: 2020-2021-2022 starting and ending at Farm Lake. Highly recommend doing the trip in early spring to take advantage of high water in the Perent River."

Thanks! Trip is September so we'll see.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/23/2023 06:30PM  
straighthairedcurly: "Not my trip report, but useful info:
Hog Creek to Kawishiwi Lake "

Got around to reading this and link seems to take me to store.
member (35)member
01/24/2023 09:52AM  
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