BWCA Saganaga: Canada -vs- US side Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      Saganaga: Canada -vs- US side     
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distinguished member(1682)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/13/2023 05:59PM  
I'm curious to see how people view fishing on the Canadian (non-Quetico) side of Saganaga -vs- the US (BWCA) side. The only part of the Canadian side I have fished is red sucker bay and we did better than we usually do the US side. The reason I ask is I'm considering bringing my dad and staying in a cabin on the Canadian side this summer with, but that would really limit us to fishing that side of the lake.

I'm not looking for spots, just your general impression of whether you'd consider spending 4 days fishing that portion of the lake, or whether you'd rather fish the US side. Species priorities lake trout, walleye, pike, smb in that order.
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