BWCA Tarp pole Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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senior member (80)senior membersenior member
01/22/2023 09:44AM  
I bought a CCS silnylon tarp last year and love it. I’m thinking of adding a single pole to my kit for use as a center pole with this tarp rather than hoping to find one in camp. The issue I see is that all the poles I’m finding have a pin at the top which makes it a no go for the CCS tarp I guess I could invert the pole and stick the pin in the ground but…

Anyway, would love to people’s thoughts and experiences with this.

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distinguished member (118)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/22/2023 10:00AM  
You can drill hole in tennis ball so it is tight fit on end of pole. You could also bring 2nd tennis ball and cut X into it so it would fit on ends of limbs you cut if you can find one the right size to use as a center pole. If you use your tarp as a lean to you will want to get another type of pole - one in which the sections nest into each other. You may only end up using two sections to push up the middle of tarp in a lean to setup. Use tennis ball too on the lean to setup.
01/22/2023 05:11PM  
To make a protector, I cut a short section from the end of an old broom handle, drilled a hole in the end, and pushed a cylindrical, rubber, furniture leg tip over the other end. The hole in this contraption fits the pin of the tarp pole. I ensure that the topper doesn't come off by using a bit of duct tape.
01/22/2023 06:00PM  
I used to bring a tennis ball with an X cut into one end and just stuffed the pole into that. However, now I only hang with a continuous ridgeline so the pole in the middle of the tarp is no longer needed. I do however bring two 5' MSR adjustable poles in case trees are way far away. I know Dan at CCS also has some nice adjustable poles available. I would have bought his if I hadn't already gotten the MSR poles.
distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/26/2023 02:07PM  
TacoOverland: "I guess I could invert the pole and stick the pin in the ground but… "

Exactly what I did with my CCS tarp and it works great. It's a Kelty pole, very strong.

01/26/2023 03:04PM  
CCS also sells poles. I bought one last year, and it is fantastic.

CCS Poles for Tarps
member (8)member
01/26/2023 05:54PM  
schweady: "
TacoOverland: "I guess I could invert the pole and stick the pin in the ground but… "

Exactly what I did with my CCS tarp and it works great. It's a Kelty pole, very strong.


I have that exact pole. How does it fit in a Duluth pack? Didn’t think to use it. Must be getting old.
distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/26/2023 07:22PM  
PriorImage: "
schweady: "
TacoOverland: "I guess I could invert the pole and stick the pin in the ground but… "

Exactly what I did with my CCS tarp and it works great. It's a Kelty pole, very strong.


I have that exact pole. How does it fit in a Duluth pack? Didn’t think to use it. Must be getting old. "

It breaks down into 3 shock-corded sections of around 30" long. I stand it up vertically in the corner of my CCS Pioneer pack. The flap covers it. It worked the same in my former #3 Duluth, but it stuck out of the flap a bit.

On my packing list, it's found under "Required Luxuries." :-)
distinguished member(714)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/01/2023 06:10PM  
Collapsible poles are reasonably priced and the extended and collapsed length can be customized. Commercial tip puncture protectors are commonly available.
distinguished member(3449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/01/2023 07:58PM  
schweady: "
TacoOverland: "I guess I could invert the pole and stick the pin in the ground but… "

Exactly what I did with my CCS tarp and it works great. It's a Kelty pole, very strong.


Same here, I always assumed the pin part went into the ground because it wouldn’t make sense otherwise. I might have the same pole, think it’s called Kelty Noah’s Staff.
03/01/2023 08:27PM  
As noted above I recommend collapsible aluminum poles. I have several and they work well. Shop around, many available at reasonable prices.
03/03/2023 08:41AM  
Never used a pole with a tarp in the BWCA/Quetico. And I always use a tarp.
Lots of ways to pitch a tarp without poles. Most often like this.

distinguished member(714)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/03/2023 12:15PM  
Poles allow shelter location flexibility and consistent setup.
03/03/2023 01:13PM  
butthead: "Never used a pole with a tarp in the BWCA/Quetico. And I always use a tarp.
Lots of ways to pitch a tarp without poles. Most often like this.


Ditto. Never had any trouble unless I am so tired I am not capable of thought.
senior member (80)senior membersenior member
03/03/2023 01:21PM  
Banksiana: "
butthead: "Never used a pole with a tarp in the BWCA/Quetico. And I always use a tarp.
Lots of ways to pitch a tarp without poles. Most often like this.


Ditto. Never had any trouble unless I am so tired I am not capable of thought."

I’m all for not thinking.
member (32)member
04/06/2023 11:29AM  
A simple cheap option is an aluminum extendable painters pole- have used them for my bug text/tarp for years.
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