BWCA Little Indian Sioux to Lake One Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Little Indian Sioux to Lake One     
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01/23/2023 08:37AM  
Considering a trip from EP 12 Little Indian Sioux River North to EP 30 Lake One. The route would be:

-Little Indian Sioux to LLC
-LLC to Basswood
-Basswood to Sagana
-Sagana to Alice via Ogishkemuncie and Little Sagana
-Alice to Lake One

15 day trip, averaging 5 hours of travel per day, plus 2 days for being windbound, 17 days total.

Any advice or items of particular note on this route are appreciated. Related, is it possible to get from Kawishiwi River to Moose Lake via Ojibway? Seems like you'd have to portage 300+ rods on the road between north end of Ojibway to south end of Jasper. Thanks in advance.
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distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/23/2023 12:26PM  
See the pictos on Fishdance towards the end of your trip.
01/23/2023 01:46PM  
Just a note before you get the permit - Little Indian Sioux North is EP #14, 12 is Vermilion . . .
01/23/2023 02:19PM  
boonie: "Just a note before you get the permit - Little Indian Sioux North is EP #14, 12 is Vermilion . . . "

Yes, thanks for pointing out that typo. I did know it was 14.
01/23/2023 02:53PM  
Figured it was a typo, but would make a difference ;)
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/23/2023 06:21PM  
"Related, is it possible to get from Kawishiwi River to Moose Lake via Ojibway?"

I believe so but it would require another permit if re-entering the BWCAW.
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