BWCA Tent recommendations - two people & dog Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Tent recommendations - two people & dog     
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member (25)member
01/23/2023 07:07PM  
My wife and I have an awesome bikepacking/backpacking tent for the two of us, a two man Nemo Hornet that we love for its simplicity and that it is shockingly lightweight. We also have a massive 6 man family camping tent, a Salewa Midway that takes up a city block to set up. We're looking for a tent that is somewhere between these two for canoe camping and backpacking (and hopefully someday bike trailering) for us and our dog.

I'm 6'2" but narrow, and my wife is 5' even, our dog is a 50 pounder. We're leaning towards a 3 man tent but could be convinced to go 4 if it weren't too heavy, but aren't sure about the durability of ultralight jobs on account of the dog's paws/nails.

Any thoughts or experience on what has worked for you?

Thanks in advance!

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distinguished member (407)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/23/2023 07:33PM  
We use Kelty tents, one size bigger than people. They have held up well for us and their affordable. A 3 person weighs 6lbs and two of us aren’t cramped
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/23/2023 07:39PM  
My vote would be for either the old-school Eureka Timberline (4-person) or the Eureka Mountain Pass (3-person).

The Timberline would give you more room, including headspace, but is heavy at 11 or 12 pounds if I remember correctly. The floor is solid and should be fine for your dog but you could always put a piece of Tyvek down for paw and leak protection. I have the additional vestibule which makes it really nice for an all-around tent. The back window feature is one of my favorite things about this tent.

The Mountain Pass is more stormproof, weighs about 8 pounds, but doesn't have the headspace and is obviously a little smaller. The floor is also solid enough for dog paws, to a point, and should meet your needs but same applies if you want to add Tyvek. There is an included vestibule as well.

Both tents have served me very well for tripping with other people and would seem to meet your needs. A few pics incuded below. Happy to try and answer any specific questions you may have.

01/23/2023 07:42PM  
A CCS Lean 2 would be more than adequate. I have a Lean 1, and my wife and our dog Wally (75 pound Shepherd mix) fit in it just fine. The pic is a side view of my Lean 1.

CCS Lean
01/23/2023 07:46PM  
Big Agnes Copper Spur
4 man about 5.5#- spacious, dry, tall (50").
3 man under 4#, fairly spacious, less tall (43")
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/23/2023 07:57PM  
Banksiana: "Big Agnes Copper Spur
4 man about 5.5#- spacious, dry, tall (50").
3 man under 4#, fairly spacious, less tall (43")"

Agreed...also an awesome tent and one of my solo options the other being the MSR Hubba.
01/24/2023 09:08AM  
The Mountainsmith three person tent has been a great economical abode for trips with and without my dog. Plenty of room for two people and a hound.
distinguished member (115)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/24/2023 09:21AM  
YetiJedi: "My vote would be for either the old-school Eureka Timberline (4-person) or the Eureka Mountain Pass (3-person).

The Timberline would give you more room, including headspace, but is heavy at 11 or 12 pounds if I remember correctly. The floor is solid and should be fine for your dog but you could always put a piece of Tyvek down for paw and leak protection. I have the additional vestibule which makes it really nice for an all-around tent. The back window feature is one of my favorite things about this tent.

The Mountain Pass is more stormproof, weighs about 8 pounds, but doesn't have the headspace and is obviously a little smaller. The floor is also solid enough for dog paws, to a point, and should meet your needs but same applies if you want to add Tyvek. There is an included vestibule as well.

Both tents have served me very well for tripping with other people and would seem to meet your needs. A few pics incuded below. Happy to try and answer any specific questions you may have.


+1 if you're going to bring the dog, forget the UL stuff.
01/24/2023 09:23AM  
If your durability concerns include the mesh netting, I doubt any tent will stand up to a dogs claws. Assuming you are really concerned about the floor, I would recommend an innie: a tent footprint that you put inside the tent for an extra layer of protection.

That said, I have a 53 pound dog and an ultralight tent; don't use a tent footprint and have never had an issue. Not all dogs behave the same way in tents, of course.

That tent, by the way, is a Tarptent Hogback, which has a ton of space. The other recommendation of the four-man Copper Spur is also an excellent one.
01/24/2023 10:54AM  
Ahahn366: "
+1 if you're going to bring the dog, forget the UL stuff. "

Have brought my 60# dogs on numerous camping and canoeing trips using UL Big Agnes tents without a problem.
01/24/2023 12:36PM  
sns: "If your durability concerns include the mesh netting, I doubt any tent will stand up to a dogs claws. Assuming you are really concerned about the floor, I would recommend an innie: a tent footprint that you put inside the tent for an extra layer of protection.

That said, I have a 53 pound dog and an ultralight tent; don't use a tent footprint and have never had an issue. Not all dogs behave the same way in tents, of course.

That tent, by the way, is a Tarptent Hogback, which has a ton of space. The other recommendation of the four-man Copper Spur is also an excellent one."

Also an owner of a Tarptent Hogback and 60lb dog. Have not had an issues with durability and the ultralight fabrics Tarptent uses. They also have a couple good three person tents you could look at if desired, but the Hogback is lighter than many traditional 2 and 3 person tents.

01/24/2023 03:20PM  
I have a Big Agnes tent that is similar to the copper spur and I would recommend it. Put the dog in the vestible, if they are ok with being on the other side of the screen. If you are concerned about paws and claws inside the tent, then I would recommend a tent floor liner like others have mentioned.
member (25)member
01/24/2023 05:17PM  
I've never looked into Tarptent, interesting! I'll check them out for sure. Big Agnes always gets great reviews, a friend has one and I didn't love it, but I suspect I am giving into certain brands "speaking to me," and others not, for reasons I can't put my finger on. I'm also brand curious on Sea to Summit and CCS (never heard of them either!) and looking forward to researching them too. Neat to see so many options other than the same old REI, North Face, Marmot, etc.

I think I can rule out the 6+ pounders just because we'll probably backpack and bike tour with this monster too.

Thanks for all the feedback!

- Karl

sns: "If your durability concerns include the mesh netting, I doubt any tent will stand up to a dogs claws. Assuming you are really concerned about the floor, I would recommend an innie: a tent footprint that you put inside the tent for an extra layer of protection.

That said, I have a 53 pound dog and an ultralight tent; don't use a tent footprint and have never had an issue. Not all dogs behave the same way in tents, of course.

That tent, by the way, is a Tarptent Hogback, which has a ton of space. The other recommendation of the four-man Copper Spur is also an excellent one."
distinguished member (408)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/26/2023 02:06PM  
The REI half dome SL 2+ was effectively designed for just this purpose and is relatively new on the market over the older half-dome. Build quality is pretty great at the price point. I use it alone with my 80lb German Shepherd who likes to sprawl out, and I would still have space for another medium/large person and that's with my clothes bag inside and few other items like book and toiletries. I'm 6' and about 160lbs for reference.

I'm actually considering a smaller tent this year to save on weight, but it's not a heavy tent by any means, at 4lbs 11oz. which includes the rain fly and footprint.
distinguished member (167)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/26/2023 05:43PM  
Frenchy19: "A CCS Lean 2 would be more than adequate. I have a Lean 1, and my wife and our dog Wally (75 pound Shepherd mix) fit in it just fine. The pic is a side view of my Lean 1.

CCS Lean "

Lean 2 would be great. Floorless and lots of room. Love mine.
distinguished member (165)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/27/2023 08:06AM  
We use a Big Agnes 3 person tent with 2 adults and a Lab with no issues. She is very calm so no concerns on our end tearing up the tent. we just bring a cut down piece of closed cell foam to put between our sleeping pads by our feet and she loves it. It does eat up a fair bit of space in the tent when we have the dog with us but it is not uncomfortable.
senior member (82)senior membersenior member
01/28/2023 10:22AM  
+1 BA Copper Spur. The 4 person is about as light as you can get for the size. I’ve had no durability problems. But I might be nervous if I was planning to let my lab sleep in it with me given the cost.
01/28/2023 12:04PM  
Eureka, REI, Big Agnes or other for people.

Dog tent for dog.

Arcadia Trail™ Outdoor Ultimate Dog Shade Tent
02/12/2023 06:27PM  
There is a great option here that I am surprised has not come up yet - you have a Nemo Hornet you love, so why not get a bigger Nemo?

Some comments have expressed concern about dogs claws on ultra-light material, but in my experience this has not been a concern. About 8 years ago, based on strong reviews on this website, I bought a Nemo Losi 3p for me and and my 85 lbs lab with the expectation lab #2 would eventually join us. Lab #2 did join us (50+ lbs) and we have had somewhere around 100 nights in this tent. In this time I’ve had lots of dog claws on the floor of my tent, and yet last year in Wabakimi I experienced two of the heaviest sustained rain events I can remember, and I woke up with that “waterbed” situation with several inches of water under the tent - but it did not leak. My Nemo has impressed me very much.

The Losi is no longer made, but I think the Dagger is probably an improvement with a better, lighter pole structure. I do not know what the situation is with their new Osmo material, but it seems like an improvement.

I’m currently down to just one dog but hopeful another will be joining us before long. MyNemo is going strong, but I’m interested in a new version that is a bit lighter and has a lighter, easier to set up pole structure.

You have been happy with your Nemo - look at another bigger Nemo.
member (25)member
02/13/2023 05:21PM  
I am already leaning toward the Nemo Dagger, mostly because of what you said, I already know it'll be good! But, I am intrigued by the Tarptent as well, mostly because it's new to me, and as a gear head I like to see and test out new stuff.

Jaywalker: "There is a great option here that I am surprised has not come up yet - you have a Nemo Hornet you love, so why not get a bigger Nemo?

Some comments have expressed concern about dogs claws on ultra-light material, but in my experience this has not been a concern. About 8 years ago, based on strong reviews on this website, I bought a Nemo Losi 3p for me and and my 85 lbs lab with the expectation lab #2 would eventually join us. Lab #2 did join us (50+ lbs) and we have had somewhere around 100 nights in this tent. In this time I’ve had lots of dog claws on the floor of my tent, and yet last year in Wabakimi I experienced two of the heaviest sustained rain events I can remember, and I woke up with that “waterbed” situation with several inches of water under the tent - but it did not leak. My Nemo has impressed me very much.

The Losi is no longer made, but I think the Dagger is probably an improvement with a better, lighter pole structure. I do not know what the situation is with their new Osmo material, but it seems like an improvement.

I’m currently down to just one dog but hopeful another will be joining us before long. MyNemo is going strong, but I’m interested in a new version that is a bit lighter and has a lighter, easier to set up pole structure.

You have been happy with your Nemo - look at another bigger Nemo. "
distinguished member(732)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/13/2023 06:44PM  
I am primarily a hammock and tarp camper but, when a light spacious tent is necessary I have a Tarptent Stratospire 2. We have been enjoying it for nearly 10 years. The Stratospire 2 is a 2 or 3 person tent depending on set-up but, we are short in my family so couldn't vouch that it would fit your 6'2" frame and 50 lb dog without crowding your wife. There are spacious vestibules on each side so boots and gear are sheltered without detracting from sleeping space. The sleeping space is rectangular with plenty of head space. There is a "Side Car" accessory available to convert one vestibule to an enclosed pet space. I don't have this.

I have the accessory poles but typically just use my hiking poles for set up so it adds a total of 42 oz to my pack. It is so light I initially questioned its durability but, my Tarptent has survived 2 sons' worth of Boy Scout trips and several family backpacking trips. It really doesn't show much wear for the use it has experienced.

Before ordering I called Tarptent and spoke with Henry Shires himself about the advantages of the different models. He even expedited our order to assure I had it for a family trip to Isle Royale back in the summer of 2012.

Good Luck
02/15/2023 07:17PM  
The perfect tent is for sale right now in the fore sale forum. Timberline with vestibule.
03/08/2023 01:55AM  
Frenchy19: "A CCS Lean 2 would be more than adequate. I have a Lean 1, and my wife and our dog Wally (75 pound Shepherd mix) fit in it just fine. The pic is a side view of my Lean 1.

CCS Lean "

I would second the Lean product line. The floor not being a floor means the dogs claws have nothing to ruin & if it does happen to, the floor is replaceable. The space to weight ratio is unparalleled & the 'tent' is well designed. The large front vestibule is very handy & the interior is spacious with great airflow. It is very versatile for setup locations & it is fairly quick + easy to put up/tear down. I lived in one in the BWCA for four months last year & it never faultered. I'd be hard pressed to find a tent I'd rather use.
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