BWCA Do you need BWCA permit to paddle through on way to Quetico? Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Do you need BWCA permit to paddle through on way to Quetico?     



distinguished member (157)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/24/2023 08:26PM  
Hi, All my trips are post season, so always have self permited in BWCA for trip to Quetico, but planning on Summer trip. Do you need BWCA permit if not staying the night? Thanks
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01/24/2023 08:29PM  
If you are worried about it you can fill out a day use permit on your way in and grab and extra and fill it out on your day out. I have purchased BWCA permits for the same time as my Quetico trips on the border in case we need to stay on the US side due to weather, etc. That saved my trip in 2020 as Canada closed for Covid and permits were scarce.
01/24/2023 09:11PM  


From the above link:

Permit & Season Information

A permit is always required to enter the BWCA Wilderness:

Visitors taking an overnight paddle, motor or hiking trip, or a motorized day trip into the BWCAW from May 1 – September 30 are required to obtain a quota permit through Walk-up permits may be obtained at any permit issuing station on the entry date or one day prior when available, however, reservations are recommended since there are a limited number of quota permits for each entry point.

Self Issued permits are required for non-motorized day use visitors year-round and for all overnight visitors entering the BWCAW from October 1 – April 30. Self Issued permits are also required for Day Use Motor visitors from October 1 - April 30. Self Issued permits are available from kiosks at BWCAW entry points and Forest Service offices (no reservation required and no recreation fees).
distinguished member (157)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/25/2023 11:51AM  
Thank you both. My travelling partner got a entry permit this am too, so all set. Thanks for the advise.
01/25/2023 03:15PM  
Lailoken: "Do you need BWCA permit if not staying the night?”

You're required to obtain a Self Issued Permit when you enter. Self Issued Permits are available from kiosks at BWCAW entry points and Forest Service offices (no reservation required and no use fees).
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/25/2023 06:30PM  
You will also need a permit on your way out. You can either write yourself a day use permit on your exit day and paddle out or get the permit “Entry from Canada” if you intend to stay a night in the BWCA on your way home.
01/26/2023 01:43PM  
tumblehome: "You will also need a permit on your way out."

As noted above, if entering Quetico via BWCA and you are not camping in BWCA then you simply need a Self Issued Permit. However I am confused about the permit needed to exit. No camping in BWCA on exit. So we would need another Self Issued Permit? Thanks for clarifying. We are planning our first Quetico trip for this July.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/26/2023 02:13PM  
Yes, just like on the way in, write yourself a day use permit for your exit.
The day use permit you wrote yourself for your entry into Quetico is no longer valid on the way out.

You need an RABC too as well as the Quetico permit. You also need an outdoors card before the fishing license can be purchased. Canadians are very good at extracting money from our pockets. And….. you get to visit customs when you get home.

distinguished member (178)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/26/2023 03:30PM  
Regarding visiting US Customs on your return - the Ely CBP office is no longer staffed - couple of 4-5 years or so now already. The alternative and much easier is to register and use the CBP ROAM app or Reporting Offsite Arrival - Mobile. You can even pre-load your info ahead of time. This app allows you to check that US Customs box and be 'legal' all from your mobile device and not have to stop anywhere.

01/26/2023 04:13PM  
Thanks Tom.
Silly question, but I suppose we just grab 2 Self Issued Permits - one for entry the other for exit?
01/26/2023 04:23PM  
Yes, grab one for your exit & you are all set.

If you decide to get a tow to/from the border from an outfitter then you can forgo the BWCA day-use permit entirely.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/26/2023 06:50PM  
I didn’t know they closed the Ely customs office. Honestly, maybe the Gubment figured out that every single person they interviewed was returning from a fishing trip. Really not much of a threat when a person enters the US from the woods and a canoe.

Yeah, grab two day use permits for your trip. Fill them out ahead of time if you want.

I’ll be up in the Q in early June myself. Already thinking of it.
distinguished member (178)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/27/2023 05:10PM  
tumblehome: "I didn’t know they closed the Ely customs office. Honestly, maybe the Gubment figured out that every single person they interviewed was returning from a fishing trip. Really not much of a threat when a person enters the US from the woods and a canoe.

Yeah, grab two day use permits for your trip. Fill them out ahead of time if you want.

I’ll be up in the Q in early June myself. Already thinking of it.

The 'gub'ment' doesn't figure those things was all about the budget - as nearly everything g'ment is. I spoke with the CBP guy that just happened to be there and he confirmed that....$$$ cuts.

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