BWCA Fall Lake entry - motorboat rental Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Fall Lake entry - motorboat rental     
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member (20)member
02/01/2023 03:52PM  
Would anyone know who is renting motorboats for overnight using the Fall Lake entry point? The outfitter (Packsack) that we have typically used informed me today that they will not be offering motor rentals for overnight use due to too many issues with damaged motors. I tried Latourell's and they said that they are only set up to outfit the Moose lake side.

As a side note, we could use Packsack's boats if we were able to find just a motor to put on their boats.

With all that said, are there any other outfitters we could try or anyone in the Ely area that rents just a motor??
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distinguished member(1682)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/02/2023 10:44AM  
Woof, this is tough to lose that option at Packsack.

On the Gunflint side you can rent a motor at Ugly Baby, but I can't think of anyplace in Ely or Winton. Veterans on the Lake has boat rentals but I assume they are for guests only.
02/02/2023 10:53AM  
You can access Pipestone and Jackfish bays on Basswood from the Moose side if you have wheels to cross the Back Bay -> Pipestone portage. A long distance to go from Latourell's but physically possible.
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