BWCA Marmot Helium Sale Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Marmot Helium Sale     
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senior member (93)senior membersenior member
02/18/2023 04:18PM  
I have used this bag exclusively for a number of trips spanning the last several years and found it to be as close to perfect as I could ask for from a single bag. I have never been too cold during any trip, with the lowest temps being low-mid 20s. I've also been quite comfortable on warmer nights in early September due to great venting capability.

Marmot has it on sale for about half off right now, which is a great deal for a great bag. Sign up with a new email and you can even add an additional 15% off. I just picked up a backup/group share bag for just under 2 bills.

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02/19/2023 12:01PM  
Thanks for the heads up on the sale. I didn't get the helium, but managed to snag two of the ultra elite synthetic bags for like $160 total and free shipping with a 15% off code as well. Pretty hard to beat that price and I've had nothing but good experience with Marmot sleeping bags.
senior member (93)senior membersenior member
02/19/2023 12:36PM  
keth0601: "Thanks for the heads up on the sale. I didn't get the helium, but managed to snag two of the ultra elite synthetic bags for like $160 total and free shipping with a 15% off code as well. Pretty hard to beat that price and I've had nothing but good experience with Marmot sleeping bags."

No problem. I should have added that they have several good deals right now on their bags, I just don't have experience with their others but have heard nothing but good things!

I was tempted to grab their lithium bag, but have a 0 degree quilt from UGQ that I absolutely love, and didn't feel like testing the limits of my wife's understanding nature.
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