BWCA .img file for Quetico topo Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      .img file for Quetico topo     
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member (22)member
02/26/2023 09:04PM  
I posted the request in the GPS forum, but didn't get a result.
I have been searching for a .img file for the Quetico to import into my inReach. I have found some at gpsfile depot, but the maps are not detailed enough. They do not include all lakes in the Quetico. Apparently Birdseye topos are no longer available or supported for newer GPSers.
I plan to add camp and portage info that I already have as a .gpx file.
Any help appreciated.
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02/27/2023 10:35PM  
The Garmin BWCA Quetico map chip has topography on it and all the campsites and portages marked. Obviously you have to pay for it though. The portages and campsites are relatively accurate but not perfect.

distinguished member(1503)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/01/2023 01:26AM  
I might be wrong, but I think that the Garmin map chip is not compatible with their InReach, but is compatible with most of their other GPS.
03/01/2023 10:39AM  
Depends on the Inreach. I’ve got the Garmin 66i which allows for map chips. Some of the other bigger screen, and the touch screen in reach devices also allow for map chips or the data download equivalent to a map chip. The original in reach devices did not.

member (22)member
03/02/2023 11:23AM  
Couldn't come up with any .img files, so here is what I did to get a Quetico topo map with portage and campsite info on my inReach.
I used instructions from this site
custom map how to
to create a Garmin Custom Map using SARTopo (CalTopo). I already had a pro subscription to SARTopo through the search and rescue team I am a member of.
I just made a map of my area of interest. Praire Portage to Kawnipi. In SARTopo my base map was scanned topos. I tried some others, but this worked best.
I had already downloaded Quetico camps and portages .gpx files. I had to thin this data set down to less than 500 waypoints using Basecamp. THen import into Mapsource for syncing. I also had to manually change the waypoint symbols from blue flags to tents and hikers.
The notes for the waypoints did not crossover, so I still have some work to do to get campsite and portage info attached to each waypoint.
I have attached a couple inReach screenshots.
Hope this may help others who are looking for Quetico topos.

03/03/2023 08:04PM  
Another option to look into would be using QGIS to create your map. There is a Garmin plug in that allows you to export to Garmin format. I have used it on my Gpsmap62s previously, but it has been a few years.

You would want to start by loading whatever map layers you want for a background, such as Bing aerial imagery.
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/15/2023 12:34PM  
arnesr: "Another option to look into would be using QGIS to create your map. There is a Garmin plug in that allows you to export to Garmin format. I have used it on my Gpsmap62s previously, but it has been a few years.

You would want to start by loading whatever map layers you want for a background, such as Bing aerial imagery.

Thanks for this reminder!
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