BWCA Trip Report - Trek or Treat - Round 3 Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Trek or Treat - Round 3     



distinguished member(538)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/01/2023 10:59AM  
New Trip Report posted by TreeBear

Trip Name: Trek or Treat - Round 3.

Entry Point: 4

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03/01/2023 11:39AM  
hilarious costumes.... i so wish you had met up with ANYONE, human or animal, on the trek, just to read about their facial expressions.

hiking in fall is usually quite awesome. covid takes its toll for sure, esp with the breathing. guessing your trip mates would have hauled you out? :)

check that route off your bucket list. great photos, too. good colors.
distinguished member(538)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/01/2023 12:18PM  
Mocha: "hilarious costumes.... i so wish you had met up with ANYONE, human or animal, on the trek, just to read about their facial expressions.

hiking in fall is usually quite awesome. covid takes its toll for sure, esp with the breathing. guessing your trip mates would have hauled you out? :)

check that route off your bucket list. great photos, too. good colors."

Haha. At least we had the pleasure of trick or treating the other two years. The first year, it was sunrise and we were putting costumes on joking that we wouldn't see anyone because who goes to the PowWow in the snow? That was right about the time the grouse hunters pulled in the lot to a ghost and a pumpkin getting ready to go. Then we ran into a couple camping in the trail. It turned out to be Martin Kubik who provided incredible trail information. On the sioux hustler, we ran into a couple mid trail hiking the opposite direction. As of yet though, no one has had candy for us! Haha
03/01/2023 03:26PM  
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/03/2023 06:21PM  
What a hilarious tradition! Great read, thanks for sharing.
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