BWCA Level six bad hass barrel harness Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Level six bad hass barrel harness     
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distinguished member (216)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/24/2023 09:21AM  
Anyone have any experience with the level six bad hass barrel harness? I’m in the market for a new barrel harness and the fact that I can use a 30liter or a 60liter with this one caught my attention. Would be nice for switching barrel sizes when on a solo or with a group.
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03/24/2023 11:33AM  
I've got one and it's great. I like the wide shoulder straps, but my girlfriend not as much. I've used the Granite Gear Vapor harness and I found the straps too thin for 45-50lb loads (not even that much if you're using a 60L barrel), leading them to cut into my shoulders. I've made the Bad Hass work with my 10gal barrel even though it's supposed to be for 30L/60L. It takes some work getting it properly cinched at the bottom so the barrel doesn't fall through, but once you get it tight, it doesn't seem to need re-tightening. The harness also has conveniently located straps/handles that make it easier to carry/load/unload the barrel at landings, which the Granite Gear is largely lacking. You still figure it out, but the straps/handles help.

Overall I really like it and I've felt no need to switch. I'd buy it again in a heartbeat (and did when I had to replace it due to a house flood).
03/25/2023 06:40AM  
I have one and like it so far. Only complaint is it puts a good amount of pressure on the lower back compared to a good backpack, but it's my first and only barrel harness so not sure if that's relatively normal given the shape and weight of a 60l barrel?

I've also only used it on a couple trips so far so consider that with the above feedback.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/25/2023 11:17PM  
I've had one for two years. It works fine for group trips but I can't justify it when I travel alone. What Keth said is true for me as well...weight pressures my lower back. It does cinch up nicely for either the 30 or 60 liter barrels. It's a good option, in my opinion.
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