BWCA McKenzie Map, should I send it back? Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      McKenzie Map, should I send it back?     
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senior member (82)senior membersenior member
04/03/2023 08:31PM  
Got a weird one here. I have a ton of maps and typically use Mckenzie but for this season I needed a new one for EP47. No big deal, noticed Sawbill Outfitters had it for a fair price so I ordered it from them. Well it shows up today and the first thing that catches my eye is the color, then I see the copyright date of 1999. So I'm pretty good with navigation and this maps not going to make or break my trip but should I get a different one just based on principal? It would seem there would have been a fair amount of updates since 99.

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04/03/2023 10:03PM  
I'd be similarly (mildly) disappointed assuming a more up-to-date copy exists, but I'd probably keep it anyway and take one for the team so to speak. As you mentioned, it's perfectly good, and it would be a shame to be manufactured and never used. If you don't give it a home it might end up on the island of misfit toys :(
distinguished member(915)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/04/2023 06:53AM  
Sawbill Outfitters has always been very generous with me so I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. I looked at their maps for sale, and while cheaper, I could find no description that they weren't the most current edition of the map. I would e-mail or call them personally if you feel you received something other than what you believed you were purchasing and give them a chance to make it right with you.
04/04/2023 08:19AM  
No, I don't think BW maps get updated very frequently in any significant detailed way.
distinguished member (333)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/04/2023 09:11AM  
Why not shoot them an email and ask copyright date of current version? Whatever the response I agree not much change to these maps some of mine are well over 20 years old and perfectly accurate.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/04/2023 09:40AM  
Look at your Fisher maps. All of mine are dated 1983. Even my newer ones.
04/04/2023 10:43AM  
It is an older printing for sure. The new ones do have more color. I would just check the map here on and see if there are any closed or new campsites.

If so, then you could sure reach out. If not, It's a good map.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/04/2023 11:14AM  
alpinebrule: "Why not shoot them an email and ask copyright date of current version? Whatever the response I agree not much change to these maps some of mine are well over 20 years old and perfectly accurate."

It's definitely the older style map. Whether or not there have been many changes or updates is a good question for McKenzie.

I would suggest doing what AlpineBrule suggests and send an email to McKenzie. Tell them that you just bought it new from Sawbill and ask what edits have been done to it since 1999. I'm sure there won't be many (if any) other than updating the colors on the map. After all, the lakes don't change any. Probably only a few adjustments to portage locations. Campsite locations should be researched online regardless of the map.
member (48)member
04/04/2023 12:03PM  
I would be more concerned with updated Campsite Locations than map color.

Larry S
04/04/2023 01:44PM  
I would double check campsite locations with online source but otherwise the map should be fine for navigating. As long as the top is north and the blue stuff is water it should work just fine.
senior member (82)senior membersenior member
04/04/2023 06:36PM  
Thanks for the feedback, the responses are pretty much inline with what I was thinking. Before a trip I typically mark my maps up with any additional info I find on the web, so no biggie to verify the portages/campsites as well. It just threw me for a loop that my "new" map is probably older than all my other BW maps. haha.
The positive - it's my only white Mckenzie map so I'll spot it right away in a pile!
04/04/2023 07:26PM  
I actually prefer the old white maps, it's harder to write stuff (and be able to read it later) with the new brown ones.
senior member (53)senior membersenior member
04/05/2023 12:40PM  
There is one advantage to these older maps. They show portages that are no longer maintained. I have bushwhacked several of the old portages that show up on these McKenzie white and blue maps. Sometimes the foot tread is still there, sometimes someone has put up some orange flagging to refind it and sometimes its all lost in the brush. Fun though!
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