BWCA Gunwale Diameter Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Gunwale Diameter     
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04/12/2023 05:09PM  
Does anyone know the gunwale diameter in a Wenonah BW model canoe? I don’t see this information on their website.

Also, would a 15” transducer arm reach the water?

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senior member (80)senior membersenior member
04/14/2023 09:11AM  
I use the following setup that works well:

Hawkeye Fishtrax 1C Fishfinder
Ram Mounts Tough Claw Small w/ 1" diameter Ball & short double socket arm

Scotty Transducer Arm:

Scotty Gunnel Clamp:

Some people prefer to shoot the transducer through the hull or use a suction mount. I haven't tried those but like the ease of pulling my transducer up where weeds, shallow, or portaging requires.
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