Boundary Waters Quetico Forum BWCA Food and Recipes Minnesota North Woods Egg Coffee |
04/14/2023 07:46AM
Frenchy19: "If there is literally egg in the coffee, well, that sounds completely disgusting! "
Egg in coffee (and sugar) is delicious! In Italy they have zabaglione and uovo sbattuto. In Cuba they call it "café a la criolla" and add a little rum. They also have similar egg coffees in Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, which also add sweetened condensed milk.
Swedish coffee, on the other hand, doesn't actually have any egg in it. The egg is used as a filter and clarifier and is removed from the end product. It's an old method for making really bad coffee taste a lot cleaner and less bitter. Personally, I would save the egg for breakfast and just use good coffee.
04/21/2023 03:56PM
bobbernumber3: "Frenchy19: "marsonite: " Swedish egg coffee "
Ok, I will be giving this a try. And thanks to all for educating me on this!"
Frenchy - Be sure to let us all know how it goes and how you like it, or not."
Actually an article in the StarTribune today about this! How did egg coffee become a Minnesota tradition?
"The future ain't what it used to be" Yogi Berra
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