BWCA Katadyn Water Filter Question Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Katadyn Water Filter Question     
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04/13/2023 01:52PM  
I neglected to clean my Katadyn Hiker after last spring’s six days BWCA trip; it sat in the basement (funkifying?) until now as I prep for this spring.
I ran 2tbs per liter Clorox solution (twice) through it and I’m letting it now dry before reassembling it as directed.
What do you think. Will it kill me? Should I suck it up and buy a new filter cartridge ($38)?
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distinguished member (348)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2023 03:35PM  
Even if it doesn't kill you do you really want to take the chance of getting ill and ruining a trip for $38.00. If you just can't bring yourself to spend the dough;
I'd test it at home before hand, at least that way you have access to a hospital and modern medicine. I feel your pain, hate it when I do stuff like this too.
04/13/2023 03:37PM  
It should be fine, bleach has been used to purify water. I'd suggest running a couple of liters of clean water through right before use to get the taste out. It seems like a lot of bleach and it's good to "wet out" the filter before use.
04/13/2023 05:16PM  
Agree, the bleach will kill anything/everything…I’d be more concerned if the filter will work well. As boonie stated run some water through to clear the bleach and check speed of filtration.

04/13/2023 06:35PM  
Thanks for your replies. I'll compromise and drink some at home (there's a hospital in town). Hate to give up on it; new last year. I'll instruct my wife to post my obituary here if I die, let everyone learn from my mistake.
distinguished member (117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2023 08:15AM  
I’m in the same boat and will be taking the same path! See you on the other side, ha!
distinguished member (206)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2023 12:31PM  
I mean...if you pull from the middle of the lake, there's a good chance you don't even need to filter your water. We have a few true-blue frontiersmen on here that pop up saying that from time to time.

I don't like to take the chance. I use Vario's and, like you, maybe my maintenance isn't always the best. I seem to change my filters out every two years.

Of all the useless stuff I have wasted money on, why take a chance on ruining the trip over a filter?
04/14/2023 04:36PM  
timatkn: "Agree, the bleach will kill anything/everything…I’d be more concerned if the filter will work well. As boonie stated run some water through to clear the bleach and check speed of filtration.


This is my thinking too - specifically, will water flow through it effectively? I am sure you've sanitized it, and I'm sure it will still filter out nasties...but does it now have a compromised flow rate?

I have given up on on my BeFrees during the summer in the BWCA - my BeFrees really struggled with flow rate when algae was present. Still like them for clear mountain streams and early season in the BWCA.
distinguished member(8866)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/14/2023 06:19PM  
I dip with a collapsible bucket, let it settle for 15 to 30 minutes, and then fill dirty bag. I also backflush a liter or so every time. Probably on same filter 10 years and it works fine.
04/14/2023 07:15PM  
foxfireniner: "I mean...if you pull from the middle of the lake, there's a good chance you don't even need to filter your water. We have a few true-blue frontiersmen on here that pop up saying that from time to time.

I don't like to take the chance. I use Vario's and, like you, maybe my maintenance isn't always the best. I seem to change my filters out every two years.

Of all the useless stuff I have wasted money on, why take a chance on ruining the trip over a filter?"

Middle of the lake…why bother…that which doesn’t kill thee…makes thee stronger :)

04/14/2023 09:49PM  
Well, Tim, if you're one of those asympotomatic carriers, it won't bother you at all, but if you or someone you infect isn't asympotomatic . . . It's an experience I plan not to repeat. So, no community GORP ;)
distinguished member (282)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2023 11:34PM  
The price of a new water filter compared to a trip is so negligible.

In my humble opinion throw that thing in the trash and buy a new filter.

Picture yourself 15 miles from your car with a worthless filter. How much would you pay for a new water filter at that point?

Please don’t overthink it….
senior member (69)senior membersenior member
04/20/2023 10:24AM  
Take this as an opportunity to move to a gravity filter. Katadyn is too unreliable in the BWCA because of tanin cloggin the filter. Give me a backflushable inline Sawyer filter any day....any they are cheaper.
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