BWCA Trekking poles Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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member (45)member
04/26/2023 01:14PM  
My wife and I just picked up a couple pairs of trekking poles for use on the portages as well as a little help getting in and out of the boat. We’re both a lot closer to age 70 than we used to be.

I’d be interested in hearing from others that use them (or not). We’re not really gonna be hitting the long, hard portages, but there will always be some. Using poles will necessitate keeping it hands free when walking and that makes it harder for poles, paddles, etc. Thanks!
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senior member (79)senior membersenior member
04/26/2023 01:46PM  

Hi Graybeard - I've been a avid Trekking Pole user since the early 2000's.. they are invaluable for backpacking and general hiking for me (I winter in Phoenix) .. Rather than carrying more BWCA gear.. I use a canoe paddle for portaging assistance. If needed I use the paddle both ways when double portaging across rough terrane.. I'm a fit 66 YO and probably don't need them but they've become almost an appendage extension for me..

Just a thought

distinguished member(5379)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/26/2023 01:50PM  
My wife has used one trekking pole on portages. Paddles and PFDs are strapped to the canoe. We don’t fish but you could also strap in fishing poles. She generally has a large pack on her back, a day pack in one hand, and the pole in the other. She definitely likes it for stability on tricky portage bits. She hasn’t used it to get in or out of the canoe.
04/26/2023 03:39PM  
I use them always backpacking, but never canoe tripping - I’m always carrying a boat across the portages.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/26/2023 06:45PM  
Hi Graybeard,

I have used trekking poles on a few of my BW trips. In less than a month I'll bring them along because my route has about 30 miles of portaging. I don't use them when I carry the canoe but I do when I carry the pack. All my gear is packed or strapped to the canoe. The poles help me with stability and I also appreciate distributing the weight.

Good luck on your trip!
04/26/2023 09:35PM  
I use just one. I use it while carrying the canoe. I use a paddle on the trip with the packs. My new ultralight tent uses two trekking poles to set up, but I think I will still use only one on the portages.
member (37)member
04/27/2023 08:21AM  
I have been use trekking poles for the last 10 years. I started using them because of a total knee and hip replacement. They have worked great for stability and getting out of the canoe. I typically use one unless the portage is rough then I will use two. When using one it leaves a hand open for carrying paddles and fishing poles which we bundle together. Looking back they would have been an asset even before my surgeries.
distinguished member (209)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 08:54AM  
My dad brought them on the trip last year for the first time. He was very happy with the stability that they gave him on the portages and will continue to bring them on future trips. I'll have to let him know about using them to get out of the canoe as well.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/27/2023 12:23PM  
YetiJedi: " route has about 30 miles of portaging. "

Yeti... 30 miles of portaging? Where are you going?
04/27/2023 05:57PM  
I also use one pole with either paddles or day pack in the other hand. It makes it much easier to go faster over places I might feel less steady and slow down. I'm not sure how you would use one while carrying the canoe though. You must have a really strong arm.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 06:39PM  
Jackfish: "
YetiJedi: " route has about 30 miles of portaging. "

Yeti... 30 miles of portaging? Where are you going? "

Headed out of Kawishiwi for 12 to 14 days. North to Malberg, west to Fishdance, north to Boulder, west to Cap (to visit Raven for a day trip), east to Makwa, South to Malberg, east to Boze (ideally to Trail, but we'll see), and then back. Just short of 30 miles portaging, and about 50 miles paddling, but lots of days to do it. We'll see what condition some of those lonely and remote portages are in and that could change my plans...but so could good fishing somewhere!
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