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senior member (64)senior membersenior member
05/01/2023 09:56PM  
Planned a trip for my wife and I to little Indian north on May 18. She bailed so I'm going solo. Never been to this area. Any lake trout to be reached from here? I have zero plans and know nothing except I travel light and don't mind portages. Just curious about the area as I've never been here. Headed into my usual stomping grounds June 6th but getting excited about the new entry point. Thanks for any info or suggestions.
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distinguished member (103)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/02/2023 12:54PM  
Lac La Croix. Done this trip the last 2 seasons. Email me for more info.
distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/02/2023 03:01PM  
Lake Trout, look up Fat Lake.
05/03/2023 07:47AM  
Head to Fat, Gun, Tackumich, or Oyster for Lake Trout.
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