BWCA $11 stove Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      $11 stove     



distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/17/2023 05:45AM  
Perhaps of interest.

Amazon $11 stove
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05/17/2023 06:37AM  
I think we've had threads about these stoves in the past under different brand names. I think in the past it was sold by "etekcity" or something like that.

I actually owned one myself and ended up gifting it to a family member who needed a stove for a backpacking trip. I believe he's still using it and that was years ago so my experience with them has been good.
05/17/2023 10:00AM  
No name stove when I bought one. Burner and flame is smaller than the Pocket Rocket line, the supposedly S-steel pot supports are floppy and feel much weaker than Pocket Rockets, with some plastic parts. I got mine at $5.99 years ago. They are small, a bit lighter than a PR. Still have it buried with other off brand stoves.

distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/17/2023 10:56AM  
I have that stove.

I also have a Pocket Rocket. I no longer use the PR and only use the off-brand one.

The stove in the picture has a piezeo igniter. It is made in a factory that machines aluminum and is well made. It’s an off brand but made along side name-brand $stuff.

I now see how profitable the PR is to MSR or whoever sells that one.

05/17/2023 11:22AM  
I have one of those, wait, I have 2 of them now. They are so lightweight and work well I might as well pack two in case one fails. I've had the first one for 4 years and it still works well.

Hint: If you have had a spell of wet weather and can't get the campfire wood to light, one of those stoves makes a great blow torch. They will burn laying on their side and will ignite the wood.
05/17/2023 02:08PM  
tumblehome: "I have that stove.

I also have a Pocket Rocket. I no longer use the PR and only use the off-brand one.

The stove in the picture has a piezeo igniter. It is made in a factory that machines aluminum and is well made. It’s an off brand but made along side name-brand $stuff.

I now see how profitable the PR is to MSR or whoever sells that one.


Just uncovered mine. May be a different company but looks just like the one Bill posted. What I remembered as plastic is anodized aluminum, rivets and supports seem weaker by a noticed amount. Old original PR weights 3.1 ounces the clone 3.4. At Bill"s list price about 1/5th the cost of the PR.

05/17/2023 03:33PM  
This might be a little off topic but does anyone ever bring more than 1 stove when they are this small and light?
05/17/2023 05:49PM  
A1t2o: "This might be a little off topic but does anyone ever bring more than 1 stove when they are this small and light?"

I have. People often bring a gas stove and a twig burner or alcohol stove (& fuel) which is heavier . . .
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/17/2023 06:35PM  
A1t2o: "This might be a little off topic but does anyone ever bring more than 1 stove when they are this small and light?"

Not me. My back up is a campfire.

BTW, there are a bunch of off-brand butane stoves that are less than $20 on Ebay and Amazon compared to the name-brand stoves that are three or four times that.
All the stoves are made in China so we aren’t putting anyone out of work over here. I’m pretty sure the Chinese factories make all the stoves and put whatever name on them that the customer wants. MSR, REI, XXX- all the same maker.
05/17/2023 06:36PM  
I have one. It is paired with this .

It works well for my solo camping trips where I only boil water for oatmeal and coffee. Oh yeah, it will also heat up a can of Dinty Moore's pretty well.

The Piezo stopped working on mine, but I always have a lighter handy anyway.

It fits nicely inside the cups of the Stanley.
05/18/2023 05:34AM  
A1t2o: "This might be a little off topic but does anyone ever bring more than 1 stove when they are this small and light?"

The campfire is the main way we cook but I bring the little burner along for rainy (downpour) times and for early morning coffee when I don't want to wake anyone else by making a campfire. Now I have started bringing two of the tiny burners because being so small and light it is easy to slip one more into a pack (for my wife to carry) just in case the one quits on me.

When it is just my wife and I we bring 2 butane stoves, the little one shown in post #1 and one with a bigger burner where we want to cook something that needs the flame spread out more.
Bigger burner stove
distinguished member (244)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2023 08:57AM  
A1t2o: "This might be a little off topic but does anyone ever bring more than 1 stove when they are this small and light?"
Years ago I never used to bring a backup stove. As I got older I started to bring a second stove just so I didn't have to rely on wood should my primary stove fail.
05/18/2023 05:38PM  
A1t2o: "This might be a little off topic but does anyone ever bring more than 1 stove when they are this small and light?"

When I am solo, I have just 1 stove. With two or more people, we bring a small sit-on-top-of-the-canister stove and a larger, more stable stove (specifically, a Primus EtaPower EF).
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2023 06:29PM  
Two stoves when I solo. A Coleman Peak 1 and an Emberlit twig stove. The Emberlit packs up so small, it's like you aren't carrying a second stove at all.

distinguished member(1376)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/19/2023 09:58AM  
I always bring two stoves, solo or with my tripping partner. I don't do campfires unless absolutely crucial, and a backup will ensure that we can continue to cook even if it's raining. I brought one stove ONE time...for a quick weekend trip to Shell Lake. Guess what? It went bad. I took it apart (MSR Simmerlite) and fixed it, but that convinced me to never do that again.

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