BWCA Lightweight 8-10 qt pot Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Lightweight 8-10 qt pot     
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member (8)member
05/26/2023 08:44AM  
Is there such a thing? We’re going with more people and I want to take a bigger pot. I remember large banged up aluminum pots 25 years ago, when going with youth groups, but I can’t find these anywhere. Everything I see is over 4 lbs weight.
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distinguished member(714)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/26/2023 09:12AM  
I searched 8-10 quart pot for backpacking and found this. . Maybe this would work.
distinguished member (333)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/26/2023 09:19AM  
You might try thrift stores.
I pretty regularly see larger what appear to aluminum pots.
One time use might consider renting if an outfitter had something that large.
distinguished member (117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/26/2023 10:42AM  
Better off cooking with two smaller pots and two stoves.
member (17)member
05/26/2023 11:33AM  
Every boy scout troop or church kitchen has one or 2 kicking around if you beg you may be able to borrow one.

They are only 25-35 bucks at restaurant supply store or even online restaurant supply to buy a new one. Look for 10 quart stock pot. I can find them locally in Kansas at walmart in the latin cooking section(not sure every walmart has this or not, large immigrant community here).

I was able to feed 9 (inclding 6 teenagers) easily with a 6 quart pot last summer. Dehydrated jambalaya and chili both on the thicker side. Are you sure really need 10 quarts?
distinguished member(2368)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/26/2023 01:27PM  

Here is a stainless steel 8qt at 1.5lbs: IMUSA 8qt Stainless Steel pot with lid
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