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member (16)member
05/31/2023 11:58AM  
Just wondering if anyone has entered through every one of the bwca entry points and if so, how many years did it take?

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distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/31/2023 12:53PM  
This doesn't answer your question directly, but for folks who are interested, there are patches for the six Quetico ranger station entry points that can be purchased at the Atikokan and Dawson Trail ranger stations (maybe others).

Here is an old thread on this topic. A photo of the patches is in the last post.

Note that the Friends of Quetico has done nothing to improve their online ordering system in years. You're limited to buying the items in person.
05/31/2023 07:13PM  
I went in forty five years... there are plenty of ep’s I didn’t go in on. Not that I did the same trip over and over, but some ep’s don’t make sense for me.
distinguished member(538)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/01/2023 09:04AM  
I know there are a few of us on this website working towards this personal goal. For me, part of what I love about the BWCA is all the incredible variety so I have been pushing hard to check every entry point. I count them if I utilize them (overnight entry or exit or full day trip.) I'm closing in, hopefully I can finish utilizing every one once within the next three years is the goal. I have 7 canoe entries left (Little Vermillion, LIS North, Big Lake, Trout, Farm, Little Gabbro, and Bog.) I also have five hiking entries (Herriman, Norway, Angleworm, Kek East, Border Route East) and four winter entries (Farm Lake Ski, Banadad East and West, and Flour Lake Ski) left to go. Some of those will be good all-day ventures, others are in the books for bigger outings. It's been really cool to see as much of the BW as I have and I hope to keep seeing more. After all EPs, I'm going to work towards crossing off all alternates as well (Portage River, Portage Lake, Swamp Lake....) Anyone else working towards a goal?
distinguished member(1376)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/01/2023 12:34PM  
In looking at the list, I think I've gone in between 20 and 25 of them. Some were so long ago it's hard to remember. No way I'll make them all, nor is it a goal of mine...but I am very interested in hearing of the experiences of those who strive to enter through all the EPs.

06/01/2023 01:14PM  
TreeBear: "Anyone else working towards a goal?"

I'm not-very-seriously working towards a goal of dipping a paddle in every named lake in the BWCA. I'll surely never accomplish it, even if I rule out PMAs, but it makes trip planning more fun. If I go in this new EP, I can check that off, I can go through this route, I can check off those lakes, and I can see something new and different each time.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/01/2023 07:42PM  
TreeBear: "I know there are a few of us on this website working towards this personal goal. For me, part of what I love about the BWCA is all the incredible variety so I have been pushing hard to check every entry point. I count them if I utilize them (overnight entry or exit or full day trip.) I'm closing in, hopefully I can finish utilizing every one once within the next three years is the goal. I have 7 canoe entries left (Little Vermillion, LIS North, Big Lake, Trout, Farm, Little Gabbro, and Bog.) I also have five hiking entries (Herriman, Norway, Angleworm, Kek East, Border Route East) and four winter entries (Farm Lake Ski, Banadad East and West, and Flour Lake Ski) left to go. Some of those will be good all-day ventures, others are in the books for bigger outings. It's been really cool to see as much of the BW as I have and I hope to keep seeing more. After all EPs, I'm going to work towards crossing off all alternates as well (Portage River, Portage Lake, Swamp Lake....) Anyone else working towards a goal?"

Impressive, TreeBear! I would like to make it to all entry points but I'm on the 10-15 year plan to get there. :) Part of my planning is the endless debate between going to new places versus returning to locations that are meaningful to's a good problem to have.
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