BWCA Ice Out Solo with a Dog Boundary Waters Group Forum: Solo Tripping
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   Group Forum: Solo Tripping
      Ice Out Solo with a Dog     



senior member (95)senior membersenior member
06/21/2023 07:15PM  
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distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/21/2023 08:36PM  
distinguished member (408)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/27/2023 06:18PM  
Is that the Thermarest Ridgecrest sleeping pad you are using for your dog? Did you cut the length down at all? And did you secure that into the canoe somehow?

Just looking for ideas. I have a Ridgecrest, and a dog... our current pad setup sucks.
senior member (95)senior membersenior member
07/31/2023 12:43PM  
Yes, Thermarest Ridgerest cut in half. Don't secure it to your canoe it just rolls up and sits under my seat while portaging. You can use them at camp to sit on and makes a great dog bed in the tent.
senior member (85)senior membersenior member
10/24/2023 02:39PM  
Do you find the ridge rest slips around on wet canoe bottom when the dog jumps in and out? I had been using some thinsulate this way, but found as soon as there is any water in the bilge the pad wants to slip a lot when the dog gives a leap in/out.
senior member (95)senior membersenior member
10/24/2023 02:57PM  
It doesn't move at all.
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