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07/01/2023 09:18AM  
Looking for some contingency plan advice. Going in on Homer in early August with my wife and kids. Never been to this entry point. Would like to snag one of the sites on Vern the first night. Maybe stay there a couple nights, then head up towards Juno and take out on Brule.

My question is, if Vern is full, which direction would be better to head to find a decent campsite for the fam - Juno or Pipe?

I think, if we went towards Pipe and it was full, then we would backtrack out to Homer assuming we passed an open site. If we went to Juno and it's full, then we have lots of options on Brule as long as it is good weather.

This is funny to be thinking about this - when I go solo or with friends I don't ever really worry too much about campsite availability cuz I figure can post up on just about any old crappy site for a night. With the family I want everything to be perfect so they want to come back :)

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distinguished member(602)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/01/2023 04:37PM  
I took my family in on Homer a few years ago . It was nice since the portages were short. We didn’t go to Pipe but we took a day trip in that direction. The first night on Vern we took the eastern Site as the other was occupied. We stayed there another night and had the lake to ourselves. We did not go any further to Juno. Not many head to Pipe since it’s a dead end. I think I would go to Juno or head back to Homer(if you noticed an open site) since you are planning on completing a loop back to Brule.
07/01/2023 05:39PM  
I'm the same as you when it comes to the family. I want every site to be perfect.
If Vern is full I would head on towards Juno. There is nothing I hate more than backtracking, it has such a defeated feel. Most likely you would find a site good enough for the night and then move on to Brule the next day and find a great site for the rest of your trip.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/01/2023 06:33PM  
Dealt with that exact scenario on this trip in May. Did Juno, Aurora can carry a canoe now?

I'll second the heading for Juno option. :)
07/06/2023 02:26PM  
We put in at Homer and made it all the way to Juno the first day. We through Whack, which was a beautiful little lake, to get to Vern. Both sites on Vern were taken, but Juno was wide open. We ended up staying on the westernmost site on Juno, which was pretty nice.

One the way out we went up through Brule, and one in our group walked to the car and brought it to the Brule EP to pick us up.
07/07/2023 09:17AM  
Thank you all for the feedback. Sounds like the consensus is to head towards Juno if Vern is full. I like that idea better, as I to feel like backtracking is defeating. Starting to get excited as we enter in less than a month now!
07/09/2023 09:08AM  
Just a note that I did the Homer entry Thursday and defied the consensus, I went to Pipe. It was quiet and lovely. Didn't see a soul after leaving Homer. The first campsite on Pipe is pretty nice!

08/07/2023 08:12PM  
Just got back from our 4 day loop. Perfect weather and not as crowded as I expected.

We entered on Friday - crowd-wise the Bwca site on Homer was open, both sites on Vern were taken, and two sites on Juno were open. We stayed on the middle site on Juno, then moved to Brule for a couple of nights. Stayed at the island site right across from Jock Mock point. Didn't travel too much of Brule but we did explore for a few hours on our layover day just because the lake was so calm. Paddled by about 6 sites and looked like at least 3 were open. Only saw a couple of groups out on the lake while we paddle around, and only had one group travel by us on there way to Temperance.

Also, had pretty decent fishing - I usually don't expect much for August. I think this has to be one of the first trips where all I caught was walleye - not a single northern or smally. Usually it's the other way around even when I'm targeting walleye.

Anyway, thanks for the advice and encouragement everyone - this was a great loop trip for a family travelling with kids.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/07/2023 10:02PM  
Wolfee: "Just got back from our 4 day loop. Perfect weather and not as crowded as I expected.

We entered on Friday - crowd-wise the Bwca site on Homer was open, both sites on Vern were taken, and two sites on Juno were open. We stayed on the middle site on Juno, then moved to Brule for a couple of nights. Stayed at the island site right across from Jock Mock point. Didn't travel too much of Brule but we did explore for a few hours on our layover day just because the lake was so calm. Paddled by about 6 sites and looked like at least 3 were open. Only saw a couple of groups out on the lake while we paddle around, and only had one group travel by us on there way to Temperance.

Also, had pretty decent fishing - I usually don't expect much for August. I think this has to be one of the first trips where all I caught was walleye - not a single northern or smally. Usually it's the other way around even when I'm targeting walleye.

Anyway, thanks for the advice and encouragement everyone - this was a great loop trip for a family travelling with kids."

Thanks for reporting back! Glad you all had a good trip.
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