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07/12/2023 03:49PM  
Did not realize how hard permits were to obtain this year. Looking for permit for August 4th to 7th. Enter Voyager Canoe Outfitters. Entry Point 54. thank you, Daniel
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distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/12/2023 04:09PM  
You can sign up for permit alerts. Read the post near the top of the tripping forum. That is the best you can hope for since a person canceling a trip has no way to directly transfer the permit to you. Hope you find one. Do you have some flexibility as to the actual entry point?
07/13/2023 12:32PM  
Make sure you either sign up like curly said or check a couple times every day. Recent talk makes it sound like permits routinely open up the closer the date gets.
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